The Breakaway Civilization

We're not living in 1950. We are in 2015 now - it's Buck Rogers time, not Fred Flintstone time. It is incumbent upon us to snap out of our purple haze of distraction and manipulation; to put down the toys and stop sucking our thumbs. Jade Helm is on the horizon, the internet of things is in our faces, our privacy has been flushed down the toilet, our Bill of Rights and Constitution has been torn to shreds. We are on the precipice of economic collapse, widespread civil unrest, the dilution of the American Culture even further through calamitous immigration, more loss of jobs, more single parent families, more social debauchery, falling IQs, more disease, more damaged children, more GMO foods, more chemical laden drinking water, more deadly vaccines, and lots more of things that would take hundreds of words to document.

Yet, there are thousands upon thousands of the so-called Ruling Elite that are benefitting from technological advances and insider financial arrangements, to form a new Breakaway Civilization that will leave the rest of us dazed and confused; watching helplessly on the side of the road as they go forward into the future, leaving us behind to suffer the wrath being part of yesterday's news.

If you want to survive, and bask in the sunshine of tomorrow, you MUST wake up today. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid being handed out to you by the Mainstream. Start educating yourself. Begin tuning in to the Real Media, the one that offers truth and will bring you up to speed with what's going on, so you can Breakaway from the Social Engineering being performed on you, and Cultural feces being smeared in your face:


- Cutting Through The

- Caravan to Midnight

- The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

There are others, of course, but try these on for size and let go of Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and all the other Trojan Horses. You'll be more informed and less controlled. Then, we may have a better shot, collectively, at saving America. 

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