If you want to understand how important the info. and video that journalist A. Breitbart began with King O's prof. love of the Harvard Prof. Bell, take a look at this link.
Just a bit of info.
Critical Race Theory:
“Whiteness” is an illegitimate social construct to oppress other people.
“Blackness” is a legitimate social construct to resist oppression.
Black failures is caused by white oppression.
Blacks will continue to fail in life for the foreseeable future and it will be the fault of whites.
The US Constitution does not have the capacity to keep whites from oppressing blacks.
Only a totalitarian Marxist government can correct white oppresion AND/OR
Whites must cease to exist as an identifiable group.
Bell said that he “lives to harass white people.” Bell was a major supporter of Louis Farrakhan. Jeremiah Wright, the man Obama describes as his “mentor,” is also a major Farrakhan backer, as is Queen Michelle.