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NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
What's that noise we are hearing? It's the clanging of the CNN cymbals signaling the death of truth. Oh, we knew of it. Many of us have been saying for years that CNN is the propaganda arm of communism in America. But it's kind of like asking your kid, "Did you really do that?," knowing full well he did. The confirmation of it, however, is the emotional trigger. CNN's investigative team, now out of their jobs, lied to the American public using a single "unnamed" source that tied the insinuation of financial wrongdoing between members of President Donald Trump's team and Russia. It was not only a ruse, but a lie. A retraction made. An apology. But also a pulling back of the curtain of what's going on in the media.
Let me tell you how this "unnamed" source business works. Many years ago when I was reporting for a worldwide newswire service, I shared a newsroom office with the Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, Knight Ridder and several other media. At the end of the day, the old-timers would sit around and grouse about the right wingers in the new Reagan Administration. They would tell stories, share information. As the youngster in the room, I just listened and read what they wrote. It didn't take long for me to figure out they were using each other as "unnamed" sources. So I decided to play a trick on them. I had really good inside sources in the Reagan White House. These guys knew it.
So I floated a very specific possibility on a trade deal that was being negotiated. I gave the most outlandish information I could that was the opposite of what I knew was going to happen (according to my source, which was a cabinet member, it would happen the next day). These "journalists" were delighted. They could finally write something that would put the Reagan right wingers in a bad light. Next morning, the front page of the Washington Post top of the fold featured the false information I gave in an AP story and I was accurately quoted as an "unnamed source." My true story soon hit the wires and those reporters had tremendous egg on their face. They were angry with me, but I didn't much like them anyway.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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