NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is the one who started the firestorm of President Donald Trump disparaging poor nations that happened to be of African descent. It took just one leftist who often has exaggerated the truth for political gain to fan the flames of racism once again in America. The theme of the left has been to declare certain things-whether true or not, or even partially true-characterize them as racist, homophobic, misogynist, Islamophobic, or whatever phobia casts a doubt on a person's character, and then paint those who support that person politically with the same broad brush. This is what has happened with the alleged remark by the President.
Timed perfectly for the holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., Durbin hit a home run in further establishing an international narrative that America is racist because it has a racist president and, therefore, the people who support him or voted for him are also racist. Al Sharpton, for example, told TMZ, "You don't have to spray paint the N-word over the Oval Office and sleep with a KKK hood to be racist. If you have racist policies, say racist things, operate in a racist manner you are a racist, period end of story." Congressman John L. Lewis (D-GA) told ABC's The View that he boycotted the Trump inauguration because, "The movement taught us to withdraw from evil. And I never felt that his election was legitimate."
Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) told MSNBC, "his statements that he made clearly shows that he wants to make America not great, but wants to make America just white..." On The McLaughlin Group, leftist Bill Press said of those who voted for Trump, "So, you got 35 percent of the most extreme wacko racist-I don't know-rednecks in the country." Joel B Pollak, Senior Editor of Breitbart News, summarizes: "Durbin knew exactly what he was doing when he leaked, or distorted, the president's remarks. He was confirming Trump's image in the minds of his critics, mobilizing forces of fear and division - such that a black librarian could tell the Los Angeles Times on Sunday that Trump would "love to take us back all the way to slavery."
This week is likely a pivotal moment in the Trump presidency. The leftists have nailed a narrative that slots Trump AND his supporters as racists-this is a deep hole to dig out of. Especially when the 24-7 news media repeats it with impunity. We cannot control what the left or the news media is doing. We cannot control Trump's word usage, although someone needs to help him with this. We can control what we are doing and saying. It is a time to dismiss this vile and untrue rhetoric and build our case for living out Luke 6:31, "And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise. " It is unfair to stereotype everyone as a racist who disagrees with liberal politics. They accuse others of the very thing they do.