In ancient times, the demagog was the leader of the people. The word has been refined to mean a political leader who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices; in other words a leader who builds an adversary: emotions over common sense, or animal over man’s exclusive: reason.
Which comes first the chicken or the egg? The adversary of reason, the chicken without an egg, the demagog creates the illusion that money is government’s to give according to need, as the demagog sees the need. The need is never the goose that laid golden eggs. Said golden eggs go to those in need, those of the weaker willed welfare state (W.W.W.S.)—whose participants live on emotions. This keeps demagogs thriving on the sweat of the more fortunate, up to a point. In a repeat of recent history; that is, the chicken without an egg demagog and the W.W.W.S. lost big in the last election.
Bill Clinton, who knows all about the current situation, was called in to save the Obama presidency. Clinton, who got his good economic sense from Dick Morris, learned that before the chicken comes the egg, something Obama doesn’t know. Before Clinton learned, he was where Obama is now. By going along with the reformation of the W.W.W.S, the nation prospered and Clinton balanced the budget.
This is of interest. Switzerland has the highest per capita income in the world. Why do you suppose that’s the case? In Switzerland, it used to be (I don’t know what it is now) that politicians could serve only one year, and without pay. Two years has not been enough time to transform America. In fact, things are going from bad to worse.
Couple the chicken-without-an-egg demogog’s power with the Age of Pisces. Pisceans desperately want to do the right thing but being very impressionable and weak willed, we find, they can be easily sidetracked by “external factors,” say astrologers. Too bad, America, but alas, there is still hope. Comes the Age of Aquarius, Aquarians, independent and strong willed, reminding me of the Tea Party, the Tea Party kind of like kicking over an anthill, little wonder the name calling, the object now is to keep the anthill from being rebuilt. Low and behold, leaving the ants scurrying about in confusion, Clinton, the budget-balancer, comes to our rescue!
Fact is stranger than fiction. The Bible tells us that God created heaven and earth, and after populating earth with life, created man, saying, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen 1:26), after which, giving man dominion over all other life, no question about it—man’s superior reason and logic left man in control of all other life. Yep, Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” It always gets down to that.
Keeping man’s superior reason and logic in mind, the Bible tells of the Garden of Eden and the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. There was one tree in the Garden, the fruit of which Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat, referred to as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Bible tells of a talking serpent in said tree who told Eve to eat and be as all knowing as the gods. She did eat and talked Adam into eating. Thus, knowing good and evil, they covered their reproductive organs with fig leaves. How strange! I presume, it was because they were ashamed of sexual intercourse; they didn’t want to be so prominently reminded. But where did they get this idea? Obviously, someone gave them their ideas on sex. In any event, the fig leaves tipped off God. For their disobedience, God threw the two of them out of the Garden. Adam and Eve did not appreciate all that God had given them, the welfare state and all. They were forced to plow the ground their existence. Furthermore, for Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God ordered that all of humanity thereafter would be born in sin. The only way, I’m told, to receive God’s grace is to confess one’s sins. It doesn’t fit with “Let us make man in our image.” I don’t get the idea from Gen. 1:26 that God was saying “us” is the authorities. Why would God have given me reason and logic? Why didn’t God give me herd mentality. If it doesn’t make sense, it is not the law of nature or the law of man.
Speaking of nonsense, bringing up the story of Adam and Eve, my father told me my disobedience of school rules was indication that I was unappreciative of all that he and society had given to me. I’d been expelled for leaving the school grounds at lunch break. My father refused to help me get back in school. He warned me that I might find myself locked up for my disobedience. Gee! He didn’t want me to finish my education and earn a living. That’s the best way I know to get locked up. My father gave me a book that said if I even thought about sex I was a sinner. He was religious! My father showed me no love. He kept me on a guilt trip. There comes the time when one finds himself alone in a jungle—no one to look to for help, not even Almighty God in Heaven. I was not born in sin. I looked within and received help.
We’re once again in the Christmas season, an appropriate time to get in the Christmas spirit. Time to quit looking to the demagogs. For one thing, we don’t lavish our children with material gifts and then put them on a religious guilt trip. For another, we cease being directed by Washington’s demagogs. We don’t leave our children with an astronomical debt to pay.
I told the story of Adam and Eve on the Internet, as I’ve told it here, and asked this question: since I was born in sin, why not fornicate? I was kicked off of that particular Internet site by reason that my remark would be harmful to children. There are common sense reasons for children not to have sex. We get all the wrong reasons from the Scriptures.
The Bible story of the birth of the Christ Child, a Christmas story: along came three wise men bearing gifts. The wise men were the Magi, Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the place of birth of the new king of the Jews. King Herod, upon hearing of this new king, sought to find Jesus and kill him. Mary and Joseph, the parents, upon learning this, took baby Jesus to Egypt. Herod killed every baby that was six months and younger. This is a Christmas story. Demagogs don’t think of human life as being of any value, unless it helps their corrupt causes.
So I’m concerned. Jesus was concerned. He turned over the money changers’ tables. Bankers were in the temple swapping gold and silver coinage for worthless temple coinage with which to buy forgiveness. Did God make man in our image, or do priests make man in their image? They are demagogs. Bankers and priests were getting rich on the ignorance of the poor. That’s always the case. They are still at it—selling indulgences. For standing up to those corrupt priests, Jesus was crucified. I was told that Jesus died for my sins. What malarkey!
A much discussed issue, the revealing of classified information that hurts the efforts of those honest faithful authorities—doing their very best to do right by society, it might not be wikiwhako after all. It might give us reason to get real. Clearly demagogs, both political and religious, playing on emotions, this is what brings on wars and/or hard times. Use your God-given assets.
It was at the beginning of the Age of Pisces when Jesus came. When he left this world, he said he would be back. Thank God that my father taught me to distrust earthly authority. Instead of the usual demagoguery attributable to the Age of Pisces, the time has come to start thinking about brotherhood, fraternity, and love—all attributes of the Age of Aquarius.