
“The Democrat Party is America’s Largest Hate Group” – Look Rush Limbaugh Go After Democrats

The liberal left is more vengeful than ever! The bitterness they show, the hatred are just illustrating their level of desperation. That is because of every election loss so far.

When talking about someone from the conservative right, liberals often use words that would describe the most horrible and wicked demon imaginable, and not another human being with a different opinion.

Rush Limbaugh is a host on the Conservative radio talk show. In his Tuesday broadcast he made an observation about liberals that explains what liberals weren’t able to identify themselves.

As recounted in Breitbart News:

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh pointed out the mood of the Democratic Party, which he described as resentful and unhappy, and noted liberal comedians are “consumed by hatred.”

This combination of negative emotions according to Limbaugh has made the Democratic Party “the largest hate group” in the country.

Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of

“Let me tell you something, folks. There is an inescapable observation and conclusion, and it is this.

You have to look very hard — and you have to spend a long time looking — to find a genuinely happy or content left-wing political person. Whether they’re an activist or not.

If they’re engaged in any way, shape, manner, or form of politics, they’re not happy, no matter what. When they elected Obama, they got angrier. They got more enraged. After every success they have, nothing is ever enough. No amount much success ever makes them happy

Look at what they’ve done in the area of marriage. They’ve completely defeated it. There’s never any real laughter, happiness or contentment. It isn’t healthy just seeing a constant level of rage. They can’t be sustained. With this degree of rage and hatred we see in the American left today, a healthy mind and hearth can’t be sustained.

Mr. Rush has always been clever, and has been outsmarting liberals.

Their attitude is becoming a serious issue, violence becomes justified in their minds when they don’t win elections.

They don’t seem happy, and want to shove their disrespect down the throats of anyone who dares to disagree with them, even when they get their way

This attitude can’t go on. Eventually the result will be a torn up America.

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