QUOTE from GOD's WORD: " A nation without GOD's guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep GOD's Law." [Pr. 29:18] Today's English Version
“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”
Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:
We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”
THE WORD OF GOD says,: " When evil people are in 'power', that crime will increase, and every despicable work of satan; but the righteous will live to see such people fall." [Pr. 29:16] TEV
QUOTE from GOD's WORD: " A nation without GOD's guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep GOD's Law." [Pr. 29:18] Today's English Version
THE WORD of GOD says: "His arrogance will bring the devastating downfall ; but you that remain faithful, and stay humble in righteous-ness will be respected!"[Pr.29:23] TEV
THE WORD of GOD says: " If one wishes to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say. Show me a conceited person<Scoffer is his name>and GOD Says: I Will Show you someone who is Arrogant, Proud, and totally Inconsiderate." [Pr. 21:23-24]
Speaking as a 'Prophet of GOD'~ I KNOW THAT THERE IS STILL A REMNANT IN THE USA~ as I have been declaring since 1985, "IT IS TIME FOR ALL, to humble themselves, and PRAY that GOD WILL FORGIVE US, AND FORGIVE THIS NATION, that WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BE OVERRUN BY SIN! And 'WE THE PEOPLE' know that GOD WILL HEAR OUR PRAYERS of REPENTANCE, and HEAL THE UNITED STATE of AMERICA" [2 Chr. 7:14] Today's English Version
WE RECOMMEND THAT EVERYONE GO TO SEE 2016! The BEST DOCUMENTARY THAT you will see this year, if not for all time! Very well done!
The DNC thinks the best way to fix a hole in the bucket is to add more water
I have presented the above statements: To reveal that too many prophet's have lied; too many ministers have been caught up in the love of all that the world is selling; and they have become 'wolves' in sheeps clothing, and they are devouring the sheep. So many are being killed, and misled by those who were set in the place of authority at every level of local, state, and national government. Too many are so deceived, and their ears have been tickled by so many lying officials, that they do not even realize that the United States of America is being JUDGED by ALMIGHTY GOD! That is why we have experienced 9-11(2001) Financial meltdown (2008) exactly seven years later! That is what all the unusual disastrous weather; devastating fires; earthquakes and Tsunami's; and hurricanes (Katrina-2005), and now (Isaac) exactly seven years to the day! These are challenging days in which we live. And I hear it daily from people at every economic level, when people can't seem to understand why they having so many trials and tribulations. It is so simple, we've weighed in the scales of GOD's Justice, and our Nation has been found wanting everything except GOD! Nearly all have forgotten that, this Nation is supposed to be run by the people, for the good of the all-the- people, not a select group nor an elite privileged few. It's like some ethereal dream-scape, where everyone does not choose to participate, and can not understand why they should held responsible!
We've turned away from GOD, by allowing the horrible wanton butchering of more than 50 Million defenseless children. Their blood is on all of our hands. Now, we have allowed another to be put in office, Pres. Obama, who has pledged to get the so-called 'Freedom of choice Act'; has endorsed the UN Declaration decriminalizing homosexuality worldwide. And made a reversal in his stance, to now support union between individual's of like sexual persuasion and is attempting to usher in same-sex marriage; at same time his administration is working to repeal 'The Federal Defense of Marriage Act'!
Of course, there is nothing that can top the Obama Administration's introduction of his Health-care Act, which is probably the most egregious assault on our Constitution in history. His house-of-cards is crumbling and he has not even noticed. "To those whom much is given, much will be required." It is time for the People-of GOD' TO PRAY! Amen..........