The Tea Party is losing momentum, and we need to gain it back.


This happens with populist movements all the time: they gather a lot of steam early on, and then things die down.


Part of the problem is that we're all over the place and not focused on a few things. The other problem is there is no quality control. Anyone can say anything, and claim to be speaking for the Tea Party.


We need to combine intensity with civility and disciplined organization. 

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  • All excellent points, Ivy!  Facts are what we need.  Opinions are ok, if they are labeled as opinions.

    The problem is false facts - any false facts poison our credibility.

  • maybe we can have members from every state pass out impartial flyers that list the pros and cons of all the politicians runing for office with clear educational and employment backrounds listed stating our country needs informed voters.  with a list of offical links to all government sites, and various informative links where they can find public records. There should also be a job discription listed and starting pay with all benifits listed including medical. Maybe if more people realize what we are actualy paying them they'll feel more inclined to reaserch them. Any religous affiliations and organizations they are with should also be listed. No oppinions just facts! We need facts not oppinions. Fact is we're in debt and our president just said we need a commision of experts to address the problems because this is beyond the capabilaties of our elected officals of whom we the people hired. That should be one of the first things people should see when they log on to this web site. Our president stating he is not able to comment because it is beyond his abilities should really make some voters think.
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