Tonight we had a great presentation on Tea Party Radio. David Toy had invited a representative of the Fair Tax movement---PLEASE visit them at ---Rich, and he provided a very comprehensive and informative, and due to time constraints, unfortunately brief synopsis of the Fair Tax. (He will be back on Monday--be there or be square.) Having been a vocal proponent of the Fair Tax initiative for a number of years also, as many Tea Party people are anyway, I was very pleased with the response and the message. Being from Georgia, my wife and I have been aware of, and involved in to one point or another, the Fair Tax initiative, and have always supported Rep. John Linder, one of the original sponsors, in his efforts to bring this to the forefront. The "powers-that-be" would do anything in their power to prevent this from happening, and have from the get-go. In the inimitable words of Martin Profitt Martin, "they can go bite a hog."
So, I'd like to add a little background, and a little flavor to the "debate." Let's start with the idea that your money is your've earned it, and there is no other way to describe it. John Adams had a word or two on this, to wit: "The moment that the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. PROPERTY MUST BE SECURED OR LIBERTY CANNOT EXIST." Read through the Federalist Papers, beginning with # 32 concerning taxation, you will glean a great deal about the debate our Founding Fathers engaged in concerning this most essential, and destructive, power of government, and the checks and balances they engineered to mitigate such a formidable force.
James Madison, in Federalist # 51, mused---"It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices (as Constitutional chains) should be necessary to control the abuses of govenment. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections of human nature? If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. [But lacking these] in framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this; YOU MUST FIRST ENABLE THE GOVERNMENT TO CONTROL THE GOVERNED, AND IN THE NEXT PLACE, OBLIGE IT TO CONTROL ITSELF."
The issue of taxation has almost always taken center stage, most notably in the last 100 years, since 1913, a year of most ignoble mention. The idea that your money is not your property is one of the legs that the redistribution-crowd has always stood on. Your hard-earned money has been ill-gotten, stolen from the poor helpless hungry hordes who have populated the world from time immemorial. You sorry, greedy MONSTERS!
Well, let's look at that for a second. I've worked all my life (I'm 55) and worked hard. I don't have much now, due to taxes and a really bad economy, which I won't get into right now. Whole "nother story. But as a small businessman, I can tell you that it really sucks when an employee who always stays broke, when he works, if he works at all before he gets fired, gets over $7000 in income-tax returns, when he hasn't paid in a dime! The system is not a is a scam. It is a Ponzi scheme of incredible proportions, fueled by unbridled greed and SLOTH.
It really is that simple. And it has caught up to us. We can no longer afford to subsidize people who won't contribute, we have borrowed more than we can ever pay back, and the Progressive Tax Structure that we suffer under was designed and promoted by one Karl Marx and Frederick Engels of Communism-fame. While you're looking over the Federalist Papers, you might want to try wading through the Communist Manifesto for a good hard look at where we're going, and you'll also then be able to see the intentions of the folks who are taking us, like cattle to slaughter, right to where they want us.
James Madison also had this to say: "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations...this danger ought to be wisely guarded against."
As we all know, the usurpations have now snow-balled to levels before un-thought of. We alone are the ones with the power and the ability to begin to right the many wrongs that have brought us to the brink of ruin, through debt, spending, and a complete and total break-down between We The People and those we thought we could trust to represent us to a government that has morphed into a Federal Monstrosity.
We've been warned, we have a road-map, we have a mission and very concrete goals. We WILL restore this nation, by upholding our Founding Principles, and remaining vocal and active and most of all, effective. God Bless this Nation, and God Bless you all.