Blame the establishment for the firing of Juan Williams. It was a mindless knee-jerk action. Out of expedience, the establishment—the law, religion, science—each with its own stand-alone empire, manages to maintain control of beings created to cope on their own.
Placing the blame is easy. There are a thousand truths. I have mine. You have yours. The Tea Party is the wake-up call, but the establishment remains fixed and unchanged. We’ve yet to know how to reunite the American people and take the country back.
Put yourself in the position of authority. PBS is a prime example. It has made a tremendous investment in time and money to gain its place in the sun. The way to remain in control is to divide the people. That’s what PBS is here to do, and on taxpayer money. You could say the same for Fox News. At least it isn’t taxpayer money.
We are as divided today as we Americans were when the South seceded from the Union. A house divided does not long stand. Leave it to the establishment and you will soon be without any rights. A good first step would be to stop giving PBS taxpayer money, but don’t think that will happen unless the public demands it.
The only thing what will save America is for the people to unit in an effort to stop the authorities from robbing us of the fruits of our labor, and that’s going to be extremely difficult, in fact, next to impossible. More than half of the American people depend on government in one way or another. How are we dependents to be convinced that we don’t want government help? What would I do, pray tell me, without my government entitlement? When the riots begin in 2011, are we, the government entitled, going to be against the anarchy? Someone tells us he has the solution. Anything is better than being left without the means of survival.
What is the solution that will gain back what we had before we became addicted to big government? I have yet to hear anyone say he wants to end the very programs that are bankrupting the nation, fiscally, morally, and spiritually.