The Fair Tax

Wallace of Fox News, at the first Republican primary debate, asked this question to Herman Cain:  "But the experts say to generate enough revenue, Americans would have to start paying taxes on new home sales, they'd have to start paying taxes on rentals, they'd have to start paying taxes on healthcare and according to the experts, the practical effect of a FairTax would be a tax cut for the wealthy and a tax increase for the middle class."

I’m not a novice to federal income tax.  I know from experience that the income tax code, having been gone over time and time again by federal politicians, has become so ambiguous, and on purpose, that nobody knows the law. The game is to let the rich off the hook. They can afford to hire accountants and tax lawyers to search out the ambiguities.  The IRS doesn’t take on the rich. It robs the middle class. 

After rigging the income tax for the rich, deductions for this and that, Congress passed a law that says the IRS is always right, unless the taxpayer can prove the IRS wrong in court. No question about it, the IRS was wrong. I consulted a lawyer.  The lawyer told me I had no choice but to pay the illegal tax. It would cost far more to take the issue to court. Judges don’t compensate lawyers for their full legal costs when the cost far exceeds the excess tax. The IRS knows this and uses it against the not so rich.

I went to the law library and studied the law.  The tax court held for me. But that didn’t stop the IRS. It simply confiscated $2,560 of my property as soon as the case was closed. The U. S. Court Appeals held against me. The U. S. Supreme Court refused to hear my case. Wallace doesn’t know that the IRS is allowed limitless mistakes, such as obstruction of justice.  On my third attempt, I succeeded in getter a U.S. District court to hear me.  The IRS was ordered to refund the money it stole plus interest. 

After refunding my property, the IRS went to my bank and ordered the bank to fork over ever cent in my checking account. The District Court refused to reopen the case. The IRS did not figure on this. I went public.  The Palm Beach Post printed a front page story. That ended this particular IRS crime.  But it didn’t stop the IRS.  The IRS came after me for $35,000 in alleged tax I owed and a threat to take my home in payment.  My congressman stopped that attempt. 

How do you think politicians raise the millions of dollars they need to win elections?  You would think Wallace of Fox News would want to know. Fox News ought to fire him.  They know they can’t depend on the middleclass to keep them in office. Wallace did not go to middleclass tax payers. He went to politicians and took for granted what they told him was true. Wallace is no newsman. He is a lackey for politicians. We taxpayers are kept out of sight, out of mind.  There are many reasons to do away with federal income tax, not the least of which is that it helps the rich and robs the not so rich.


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