The Fight begins with Prayer

For many years now our great land has been moving further and further away from God andPrayer. This is a shame since it is precisely our dependence on God and Prayerthat made us the greatest nation on earth. We owe our freedom and our strength toOur Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution thatthey wrote for us as well as on the military men and women who have beenwilling and able to fight for the freedoms we enjoy so much in our preciouscountry.

The movement away for TRUTH and decency began in earnest, as I see it, back in the sixtiesand seventies with the free love movement and the attitude of do anything aslong as it does not hurt you or someone else. Abortion was the final nail inour coffin. What about Almighty God and His simple and very basic TenCommandments that are so evident in our founding documents. What about thankingHim for life instead of killing innocent children in their mother wombs. Whatabout getting on our knees and asking Him for the help to follow the simplerules He gave us. How about asking Himto help us chart a course back onto the road our Declaration of Independenceand Constitution lay out for us. Ask Him to help us to remain free and prosperous.

It seems in this day and age and in fact for so many years government has tried to tell uswe don’t need God but that we do need bigger government. They take Prayer outof our schools and God off our monuments and we wonder what is wrong with oursociety. The government tells us we are supposed to depend on it for everythingand forget God. This current administration is pounding our great and wonderfulnation into oblivion in an attempt to replace God with a new savior,"O". Well I for one am sick and tired of the disgusting rhetoric thatspews from their mouths like so much sickening vomit.

The only way we are going to be strong enough to change the course we are on is to get downon our knees and pray to the All Knowing and Loving God we seem to haveabandoned and beg for His help. I am proposing then a spiritual revival of thekind that will bring a lasting change to our great land. From now on we, as a nation, can spend onehour or more every Tuesday in deep and sincere prayer to Our Loving God askingHim for help and guidance. Then we must listen to His response and act on it.We need to get off our butts and onto our knees.

Then when we are faced with those things we know are wrong we will have the courage to standup for what is right and sacred and not fear the government and in particularthis administration that lies to us through its teeth while leading US DOWN THEPATH OF OUR OWN DEMISE. With prayer and God on our side we will again prevailas we did in 1776 and for so many years afterward. We can and will take backour great Nation and we will pass on to our children a land that is free andbrave instead of cowering under political correctness.

The path is as clear as the nose on our faces. Prayer, TRUTH and courage will again set usfree. In this way the lives of so many millions of our military men and womenwill not have been laid down in vain. God, Prayer, and Country WILL prevail.

On November 2, 2010 we will show the world the United States is a great, powerful andconservative Nation that does love God and our fellow man. We will show thisadministration that we want smaller government and more individual freedom tobe responsible for ourselves.

We will NEVER again crisscross the globe begging forgiveness for being the standardbearer of Freedom for the great multitude.

Please pass this on and then begin your prayers in earnest.

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  • Amen! Pray as we have never prayed before. Remember who and what we are and take refuge in our Creator. Stand behind the spiritual shield of God as He reclaims and restores our country, constitution and honor and dignity. We will witness miracles.
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