The folks who brought us the “Defend Public Education” actions last March in California, Wisconsin, New York and Michigan are planning a new round this year and will be drawing on the “energy” created by the violent, destructive riots in Europe.The Huffington Post reported last year about college students shutting down major freeways in California. In Wisconsin, protesters threw “punches and ice chunks” at police after the students were refused entry into an administration building in Madison.Now, plans are being made for a month of similar actions this year, kicking off March 2nd.Some activists have complained that unions are not currently leading the charge because they’ve become too “corporatist.” But they believe once they make their move, unions will move to “co-opt” the movement.“Student strikes” will occur in March to fight budget cuts and increased fees for students. What's happening in Europe is about to be emulated in America, friends.Radicals know this is one of their last opportunities to keep the gravy train running on time. But reality, courtesy of fed up taxpayers, may interrupt their plans.One of the movement’s leaders, Los Angeles high school teacher Omar Hussein, recruited “student militants” to support the March 4th protests in 2010. He’s a leader again this time around, according to sources within the movement.The month of “actions” will be capped off with a global action stemming from a huge union/socialist rally in London March 26th. As many as one million people will show their solidarity with those “in the firing line of the government’s cuts,” according to a statement posted on a public employee union website.The pro-big government radicals are in the planning stages of something similar in the United States. One radical from Arizona pledged that the actions will be “very militant” because what they’ve done so far hasn’t worked and “there are no other options now.”Radicals who fantasize about Che Guevara’s revolution, the Soviet States of America and the good ole days of Chairman Mao will soon be making their move. They’ll be doing their best to seize the current “crisis” and push their socialist agenda.Will they get anywhere? The big government agenda certainly had its wings clipped in the November election. But that doesn’t mean violence, upheaval and chaos can be stopped.And we shouldn’t kid ourselves that it’s simply a small band of “student militants” that break a few windows and celebrate at the local (fair trade) coffee house. When this action occurs, SEIU, AFL-CIO, NEA, AFT, NAACP and others will be right behind them to push the socialist agenda forward.This is the moment to stand up to them, crash their agenda and defend a free and capitalist America.Kyle OlsonKyle is founder and CEO of Education Action Group Foundation, a non-partisan non-profit organization
Well....It would seem as if though the agenda of the present admistration seems to working just as they had promised....hope and change....It would seem that we are getting a little short on hope but are definitely getting the change... Not a single one of us can ever accuse them of "Lying to us" we are getting EXACTLY what we were promised during the campaigns. I can only "hope" that when the next election comes around, that the American people have been awakened and can cast their votes in manner that will elect someone that really doesn't care how "they do it in Washington". Vote for someone that has no intentions of following the cookie cutter, socialistic agenda that has brought us to where we are now. Someone that can act as a leader of this nation is supposed to act and, that is to act in the best interest of the LEGAL American citizens, the best interest of this nation and with pride in this nation. So, when the ballots are printed and the names of "Professional Politicians" are among your choices....then my words of wisdom to you are "Buyer beware". You will always get what you bargained for.
The privileges and benefits of a Civilized Society can only remain available so long as that Society continues to behave in a Civilized manner.
Is it not interesting that it is the Socialist Minded who, in supposedly fighting for those privileges and benefits, would seem wont to behave in a manner that would tend to tear down that veneer of Civilization from the Society that provides them?
The privileges and benefits of a Civilized Society can only remain available so long as that Society continues to behave in a Civilized manner.
Is it not interesting that it is the Socialist Minded who, in supposedly fighting for those privileges and benefits, would seem wont to behave in a manner that would tend to tear down that veneer of Civilization from the Society that provides them?