A new first for the Democratic Party. We have these politicians who have sworn fealty to the Constitution and the laws of this country calling for the overthrow of a duly elected president, we have members of Congress calling our President and those that support him and work for him scumbags. They support and promote violence, burning other peoples business and cars businesses and cars, and beating those that do not sgree with them always in packs like the rabid animals most Americans believe they are.
Let’s take a quick look at Berkeley. The Alliance for Global Justice donated $50,000 to Resist Fascism an organization that openly talks of using violence to silence those with whom the disagree. These are the same people who have persuaded other low information people that the conservatives are “brownshirts”.
Funded by the Tides Foundation that received funding from none other than George Soros. Soros has also funded many groups responsible for the violence and riots by anti Trump agitators, some which have actually been paid by Soros through his organization and those he donate to. Both by shaping the media and by creating chaos through his organizations he now controls a well maintained and orchestrated propaganda machine with the only purpose of creating enough chaos to topple this administration and this country
Resist Fascism states on their website that they encourage violence to shout down conservatives. They claim that conservatives are engaging in the Naziification of America, but they are the ones beating those that disagree with them much like the brownshirts of the Nazis. For some reason they seem to think if they hit hard enough and are loud enough people will just agree with them. They can’t understand that they are turning more people away and the Democrats are on the path to irrelevancy, and the anarchists stand no chance of toppling the political processes that we have now.
Or what of the womens March of hypocrisy you want to fight for woman’s rights? What about the way women are treated in the Middle East, I didn’t hear even one of you “nasty” women mention that. A grassroots organization? With a Sharia Believing Islam woman as your sponsor. Did any of you ask her about life in the Middle East, or how about George Soros, did you ask him. He has connections to over 50 of your march’s partner and groups.Having written of George Soros before after much research and having an understanding of what this self admitted messiah is attempting to do
It must be noted that Trumps victory was a severe blow to Soro’s plans. His dream of one world governance with him at the helm had been delayed. When Hillary was defeated by Trump, plans had to be changed. So a three day conference was called by Soros in Washington D.C . Of course, Soros had one of his organization prepare it and call those that needed to attend to assure that Soros fingerprints weren’t on it in case something leaked out. It was stated by Gara LaMArche the Democracy Alliance President that
“we must assess what steps must be taken to resisit the assaults that are coming and take back power.”
Isn’t it interesting that “Resist” is the word that the rioters and anarchists are now using as an excuse for their violence. And with Progressive/socialist like San Fran Nancy Pelosi saying she wouldn’t change a thing, why should they. They get to riot because Pelosi agrees with them, and her husband gets a billion dollar contract for the high speed rail to nowhere in California. So whose being taken for suckers? They get to riot in the streets because of statements of Tim Kaine calling for fighting in the streets? Both by the way received substantial donations from Soros organizations as well. Or a judge such as Judge Robart who struck down Trump’s immigration pause who is also in the pocket of George Soros.
There are other areas in which Soros is working to undermine the American way fo life. His people are infiltrating patriot groups townhalls, conservative websites and create chaos by claiming the “Martial law is the only answer” The reason these Soros “plants” do this is simple. Sooner or later you will hear a story about how Trump supporters demand martial law, which will be false, and if MArrtial law should be declared, all government political and civil would be suspended along with all constitutional rights. Exactly what George Soros is looking to happen. This would turn into civil war, particularly if Trump reacts and allows the rabid anarchists and rioters to scream victimhood.
And why are these anarchists and rioters not considered Domestic Terrorists? Any action that seeks to intimidate or coerce a population, influence a policy of the government by intimidation or to affect the conduct of a government by destruction is considered domestic terrorism by Section 802 of the Patriot Act.
The American Left has denied and downplayed the Soviet Threat since the Second World War, have always been on the Soviet side during the Cold War and ridiculed those who disagreed. When Mitt Romney called the Soviet Union our greatest threat, Obama laughed at him as a globalist is wont to do. Now the Putin has rejected globalism and is not part of the internationalist cabal, now Russia is a threat, and any agreement between Trump and Putin must be destroyed. That is one reason for all the riots, for all the progressive/socialist calling for investigations and why the end game is to try and find something to bring Trump down. The globalists, their political friends such as John McCain. Linsdsey Graham and Paul Ryan among others and paid by Soros will do their best to prevent Russia and the United states from finding common ground. Is it any wonder that Graham and McCain are like two peas in apod and attempt to disrupt everything the Trump is trying to do?
This is just one megalomaniac that is aligned against Trump. Part two will delve further into the other areas of how is part of the cabal of agitators.