On July 11, 2011, I learned that the UN, the US, the EU, and Russia were meeting to decide Israel’s fate, without Israel’s participation. Israel’s President Netanyahu says it isn’t going to happen. It was time to write the book I’ve been thinking about writing.
After Moses, Israel’s leader, Joshua told his following: “Until the Lord have given your brethren rest, as he hath given you, and they also hath possessed the land which the Lord giveth: then you shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses the Lord’s servant gave you on this side Jordan toward the sunrising” (Joshua 1:15). The land of your possession has been the question for thousands of years.
The prophet Habakkuk, toward the end of the Old Testament, lamented, “O Lord, how long shall I cry and thou wilt not hear! Even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!”
Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raving wolves” (Mt. 7:15). Jesus said: “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Mt. 23:13). We are individually in possession of our souls, with the potential of communication with nature’s God and “Higher Law.”
I’m 36 years ahead of the time. In the spring of 1975, ten years into my second marriage, I departed my old life. Although I was unaware of it, I departed on Good Friday, the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified. I drove down the private road leading to our home and stopped on the county road fronting our 15 acre spread for a last look at my failure, in 49 years, to bring myself happiness. Feeling only excitement for a new life, I drove away from my past and never looked back, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.
From a life of abundance, now with only my 10 year-old Cougar, what I took with me in personal things, and $350 in cash, what I did not know was that the IRS told my wife to not sign the joint return I’d filled out. I left the form filled out, with my signature. My wife was to have signed it, and paid the tax we owed. My wife followed IRS instructions. She was to file a separate return, pay half of the tax we owed, and send the joint return in without her signature. It would be treated as my separate return. Instead of treating the joint return as a separate return and charging me half of the tax, the IRS treated the said return as a joint return and charged me the full tax, plus penalty and interest.
I’d sold stock that was mine before we married. My wife was to have mailed me the check when it came. Instead, she forged my name on the check and cashed it.
On the Monday after Easter Sunday I found a job working in a boatyard. I rented an efficiency apartment and paid $200 up front, with the promise that in a few days I would pay the balance of rent and deposits. I didn’t know that $350 cash was it. I was not going to receive the check in payment for the stock I sold. Pay day was two weeks away.
I had been the owner/operator of an independent lumber wholesale business. I bought from independent lumber mills and sold to retailers. The purpose for my wholesale lumber business was not only to search lumber mills for my customers’ needs, but to finance them. I borrowed large sums of money. My place in the market was eliminated, (1) by President Nixon’s price controls; (2) by double digit inflation and high interest rates. It was government manipulation for the benefit of government and everyone else’s detriment.
I was forced to sell 15 acres of my land. Double digit inflation caused my land to sell for double what I paid for it. Although I made no profit in my business and no profit on the sale of my land, the government claimed I made a profit and charged me capital gains tax. While this pauper entrepreneur faced being put on the street, not so rich government entitled received cost of living increases.
The IRS is always right, unless we taxpayers can prove them wrong in a government biased court. In 1975, I studied constitutional law in the county law library and felt that voices of the past were personally speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling. I sublimated my anger.
The IRS had called me a “Fifth Amendment freak.” They told me they knew how to deal with me. The IRS had sent me a tax assessment for the full 1975 tax. I had filed with the IRS a carry back loss form for prior year business loss. The IRS offered, illegally, to send my refund only if I would drop my petition to the Tax Court and pay their erroneous assessment out of my refund money. Because I refused, the IRS froze my refund. Your government expediently allows the IRS to do such things. At my tax court trial three years later, no questions asked, the IRS amended their erroneous assessment. The tax court informed me that it was not authorized to get into constitutional questions.
At the time of my departure, with unemployment high—down the street from my Miami apartment there was a mile long food stamp line—in that I was self-employed, I was not eligible for the government entitlement the United States grants the unemployed, for no particular reason.
It took three phone calls to Miami boat yards to land a job. The pay was barely over the minimum pay government allows, but twenty percent of my meager wages was withheld for Uncle Sam, without reason.
The press publishes screwball “tax protester” cases the IRS hands them. Because the IRS was playing games with this “tax protesting” pauper, my take-home pay did not leave me with enough of my sweat to pay my rent. I was locked out of my apartment.
My landlord had not gone through the proper legal procedure. I called the police. Within an hour, I had the new key, but that’s not the point. I was out of sight, out of mind—and on the street. The tax court is not authorized to question this kind of IRS behavior. It is legal. Hitler was legal. Do you want Nazi Germany’s fate for America?
My divorce lawyer in Texas called to inform me that my wife had been successful in getting the divorce court to repudiate our property settlement agreement on the ground that I threatened to beat her if she refused to sign it. In our property settlement agreement, I was to have received 10 acres of unimproved land. My wife was to have received five acres of land, our home, furniture, fixtures, out buildings, all other improvements, a two-year old Pontiac, farm equipment, and live stock.
In America, the land of the brave and the free, I was soon to be a street person, with the free press backing the greatest fraud of all times. I returned to Texas, arriving with $35 to my name. The divorce court awarded me living expenses out of my wife’s pocket. My lawyer agreed to represent me with no advance payment.
While I waited for the trial, I met an astrologer who created my astrological chart. My astrologer spoke of a “part of fortune” in my chart, which he read to mean that people, who do things behind my back to harm me, although I wouldn’t likely know it, were the reason that things went right for me.
At the divorce trial, the court followed the Texas Homestead Law. Since I owned the land prior to the marriage, the land and all improvements went to me. My wife was given the furniture, the Pontiac, what was left in the bank, and ordered off my property within 30 days.
The custody of our son went to my wife. Since I was unemployed, my payments were not much. I was out of business when my wife wanted a divorce. My five-year-old son was an innocent victim. My son’s welfare was the only reason I agreed to allow my wife the lion’s share of our property.
Only out of concern for my son, I offered to go back to the original property settlement agreement. My wife would have to refinance the property and pay me the market price for my 10 acres. She had no choice.
I looked up “Part of Fortune” in Google. This from the Internet: “a three-dimensional Sensitive Point in the horoscope, not a planet, but a place where we can find happiness, experience gain, and feel fortunate.” The place is what is scientifically known as a hologram. From a hologram projector, you get a two dimensional picture that looks 3-D. Scientific examination of a hologram shows that when you cut a hologram in half you get two complete pictures. Cut it in half again and you get four complete pictures. What if the universe were a hologram—wherever you are, you get a complete picture? Zoom in on it and you see the microcosmic, the aspects of matter. So is my personal story, so is the story of the world, so is the story of universe. Mysteriously, this I reveal was my “part of fortune.” Everything my astrologer told me about the future came true.
The Law
The form of law in practice—Nazi law—put me out of business. My bigger than life calling, when I studied the Constitution, gave me a higher purpose in life. The orthodoxy categorizes for the sake of expedience. We are learning that our reality is nothing at all like we’ve been misdirected to believe.
I’m a secular humanist, defined as anyone with a set of beliefs that promote human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines. Nothing in the universe is supernatural. All has a natural explanation. You cannot logically separate religion, the law, and science, but logic be damned. While The Constitution implied that we are all equal, for expedience’s sake, black skin meant that humans were the same as mules and cows. They had no rights. Today, the government entitled have rights that exceed those of producers. It is bankrupting America morally, spiritually, and fiscally.
Jungian psychology says we inherit patterns of thought through the collective will of those who came before us, whose archetype we are. There is a distinction in the collective will of those of the here and now. Christian President Obama calls the here and now “collective salvation.” Jesus referred us to our “Father,” everyone’s God. Why should civil law differ from God’s law? No other life form thinks like humans. Giving ourselves credit for being of intelligent design—evolved from ape, most likely, but above ape in consciousness, blessed with reason, logic, ethics, and morals—of a higher order and of “Higher Law”—when you pray, “use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. But be ye not like them for your Father knoweth what things you have need of, before ye ask him” (Mt. 6:7,8).
Hind sight is 20/20. All the talk is about how to keep the system in place—and how to divide and conquer those who are foolish enough to walk into the trap, I should know. My will was God’s will. My wife had no choice and eventually the IRS hung itself with its own rope.
Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt. 6:33). “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Mt. 6:34). “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye” (Mt. 7:5). Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Look within for who you are and harmonize with nature’s God, the Higher Law, and the Constitution.