With all that is going on in our world, what can I do about it has been the question. What you can do about it is what I write about. You don’t believe me. Important matters attract few readers—the mustard seed approach, the tiniest of seeds grows into a mighty tree. Does might make right? No, the truth will set you free. I invite you to follow my truth, and please forward it to the Huffington Post, to those writers financed by George Soros, the billionaire socialist monster.
Obama and Pelosi are certain to lose control of the House at the midterm election. But lest you breathe a sigh of relief, this event sounding the battle cry to George Soros’ socialistic revolutionaries—all as planned since the hippie generation—little did we know that this Pied Piper of Nowheresville, who has been playing bad jokes on investors long enough to accumulate billions, would attain thousands of positions of power in America for his hippie pawns. Look at Europe today to know what it is going to be in America in 2011. Hippies and fellow travelers, with their insane spending orgy, have managed to get America over a barrel. Soros, the spook behind it all, is an elephant compared to other tyrannical soapbox fleas, including Obama. Get ready for the final drive for a worldwide socialistic solution. Congress is irrelevant. It is going to be you and I and our fight for freedom, Soros and his revolutionaries’ way or no way, and it is not going to be pretty picture. The enemy will stoop to anything. Will the American people have the mind-set for the long hard fight for freedom? Best you start thinking about it. You are in a fight for your life.
What is taking place in the world today follows the course of history, in fact, going back immemorially, to predictions of star gazers. The first men, looking for answers, gazed into the heavens. Socialism, a word describing tyranny, is about redistribution of the goods and services industrious, self-sufficient, self-directed people, the so-called rich, produce. The Soros monstrosity we now dimly see is a mindless monster from the deep coming up to feed on us—until our liberties are all devoured and we become the slaves of brutes.
In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, we read about the Magi, the three Persian astrologers who followed the Star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace in Israel. Similar to present day America, a nation in denial, and under Roman tyranny, it is in the nature of humanity to drift from individual liberty to tyranny, and then the pendulum swings back. This pendulum has been swinging since the dawn of civilization. We don’t yet know what our human destiny will be, when the pendulum will cease to swing, because we will be history written in the rocks.
At the dawning of history, Persians invented the zodiac, a diagram of the heavens from which astrologers work. The zodiac is divided into 12 segments, each with a sign in which the present is lighted for observation. This heavenly clock makes one full rotation in about 26,000 years, or approximately 2,000 years for each segment. The zodiac is in keeping with the Book of Genesis. After God had created the heavens and earth, and all the other life, He created man, and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen 1:26).
At the birth of Christ, we were at the dawn of the Age of Pisces. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that it is in the nature of Pisces to absorb the mental outlook of the times. “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” In the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Jesus told his followers that before the cock crowed, they would deny him three times. That’s Picean. And so they did what Pisceans do. Without a word in protest, they let their savior die on the cross.
We have now moved on the zodiac through the Age of Pisces and to the first light of the Age of Aquarius. The fitting sign of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. It goes with the division we now experience in America, the desperate clinging to the past, the fear of facing the unknown that is now upon us. The clock tender is implied in the clock’s turning hands. The mind is the observer that looks to the past and finds answers for our future.
Earth spins one full turn every 24 hours. More lately, in part, astrologers have attributed the meaning of the individual’s life to Earth and the dawns here. It depends on the location on earth at the moment of birth, with the sun traveling around 900 m.p.h. across the earth’s surface. The personal dawn here requires knowing the exact time of birth. Luckily, my birth certificate shows the exact time of my birth to be at 4:21 p.m. c.s.t. on September 17, 1925 in Houston, Texas. The zodiac shows me with the “rising sign” Aquarius. My so-called sun sign is Virgo. The sun sign has to do with one’s inner nature, the rising sign with the part one shows the world. As we age we become more the part we show the world. At midlife, we often reach a point of crises, as did I. I was forced to turn loose of the past and travel the path to my destiny. The change to my outer self was dramatic.
In addition to the above information going into the making of our natures, the light of the present shines on negative and positive influences, both in the individual and the goings on in the world, through the alignments of the outer planets with one another, the outer planets because from the earth their alignments remain long enough to make a difference.
Thus, with all the factors that go into the making of the individual’s nature, and the goings on in the world, obviously, you can’t read the daily horoscope in the newspaper and know anything whatever. Unfortunately, too many of us take the daily horoscope as all that astrology is.
For some yet to be explained reason, at least as far as the general public is concerned, since astrology has been with us since the dawn of history, one can assume that it works. For example, when I was born, the zodiac shows that the outer planet Saturn was trine Pluto, the furthermost outer planet. The trine happens to be the most favorable of alignments. It is given for a very special reason. Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Saturn trine Pluto:” “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized.” We read further that this trine favors those who are familiar with physics.
Quantum Physics just happens to be one of my favorite subjects. The Physics of Consciousness, authored by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker is my physics Bible. Connecting us with Gen 1:26—Let us make man in our image, along with the age of brotherhood, as told by both Jesus and Astrologer’s Handbook—asserts Walker, “But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. Just as the clock tender is implied by the clock’s turning hands . . . The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality. . . a unity in nature, all things being aspects of mind. But now we see more of the underlying structure, of the engine that drives our struggling souls. We see the separation that lies between any of us and the rest of reality. We see space and matter as springing from the brow of God.” Walker possessed my thinking. God rest his soul.
Wouldn’t you know that Walker’s colleagues would say he is trying to smuggle God into physics. You can understand why. If you had invested your fortune and life to the status quo, you would fight to keep it. Folks, you and I are allowing ourselves to be pawns of the establishment.
My research connects astrology with quantum physics. Curious if others have made this connection, I wrote in Google search “Astrology and Quantum physics” and received 111,000 Web site references. In that the world is going through a change that could end in humanity becoming history written in the rocks, it is asking for that to happen when you depend on others to do your thinking. .
Millions of people have seen UFOs. What does it mean? We can wonder why they are here, or dismiss it like we dismiss other occurrences we have no interest in pursuing. UFO’s have been becoming more and more prevalent since World War II. We’ve shrugged it off. Are they here to welcome us to the galaxy, or are they here to take over our world after we blow ourselves to hell? it seems that it would serve humanity well to know what a few of us know about the connection of astrology with quantum physics.
From the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, I quote: “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography. Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age. It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”
Thinking about Tarnas’ opening of “a new cosmic horizon” and the reunification of science and religion, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11,” he speaks of the end of an epic, in retrospect, widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation. In view of the current flap over placing a mosque near where the September 11 event took place, a few pages later, under “The Saturn-Pluto Cycle,” we read that according to their alignments in November 2008, square, the most unfavorable alignment, the month and year Obama was elected, he picked the right time to lead us into the up and coming worldwide socialistic solution. Taking Obama’s answer for building the said mosque, that it is their constitutional right to build it, and he refuses to comment, I pray that you let me tell you what my Saturn trine Pluto alignment says, according to Astrologer’s Handbook.
I will be able to “work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes” in my own life “and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they (I) must fulfill.” I have “tremendous willpower” and I am “relentless in working toward a goal,” according to Astrologer’s Handbook, and under “Aquarius,” my symbol, the water-bearer, “who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the Planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. . .Aquarians are determined and stubborn. . .Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others—whose company do you choose, mine or Obama’s?