For the past century, what is about to take place in America has been planned by a tiny minority of control freaks blind to reality. They build the perfect world in their imagination and then try to force all the pieces to fit by turning both sides against the middle. America has never been more divided.
The Tea Party sprang into existence, calling for constitutional law. Said control freaks call the Tea Party Nazis and racists. I’ve a different view than anyone I know on what’s taking place. The deeper meaning—in earth as it is in heaven—first came the birth of our nation on July 4, 1776, under the sign of Aquarius, the sign of brotherhood and the pouring out of man’s spirit, with our Declaration of Independence from the old world.
In 1787, “We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,” ordained and established our Constitution; in other words predestined our future to principles of law laid out in that sacred document, the one that Obama and company hold as flawed. Obama and company are for the good of all, the individual with zero rights. Without informing the American people of their end, as one of this minority of control freaks put it, a cross between Mother Theresa and Chairman Mao, their noble end justifies any means. Chairman Mao said a few million less Chinese was affordable. I assume the same applies to Americans.
Going back in time to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, pure law, in the sense that our Constitution is based on divine law, calling for righteous government, rather than splendor, ceremony, and the external demonstration of power, Jesus told us to look within, for “no man can serve two masters . . .Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Mt. 6:24).
Jesus said, “seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Mt. 6:33), and tomorrow will take of itself, but be aware that Jesus distinguishes the kingdom of heaven from the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is universal consciousness and moral intelligence. The kingdom of heaven is likened to the sower. Some of his seed was devoured by fowl. Some fell on stony places. Some fell in thorns. But some fell on good ground and brought forth fruit.
When I read the Constitution in 1973, my purpose was to use it against the above identified corrupt control freaks that have moved in and now impose themselves on naïve America. I’m 36 years ahead of the Tea Party. I imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. To the American people, I was a “tax protester,” someone trying to get out paying my fair share. I imagined a bigger than life calling. Those who knew me thought I’d lost my mind. Mysteriously, tomorrow took care of itself. I went to sea for two years. While at sea, miracles occurred. After I left the sea, my life changed for the better. With regard to my tax protest, the IRS ate crow on the front page. Tomorrow takes care of itself when we know the power that lies within.
In earth as it is in heaven, and a state of universal consciousness, this was discovered ages back. The alignments of the heavenly bodies at the moment of our births leave us each born with a unique purpose, but with a choice. For the first 49 years, oblivious of my destiny in life, I took the path of least resistance and ended at a jumping off place, with the choice of soaring with eagles or falling into the abyss. Coincidently, at this crucial time in my life, my ruling planet, Uranus, was in opposition with itself at my birth. It meant pressure to change. I looked within for answers and mysteriously came up with the right answers for me. Regardless of what’s going on out there, my life is good.
Without first looking within for answers, as directed by Jesus and our Constitution, instead of personally acting, by allowing the above named control freaks to lead the nation down a dead end street, America is nearing the consequence. What’s next?