Now that you are aware of the living lie occupying the Whitehouse, and a Reed Senate that refuses to pass a budget, and who will not give us his reason—it is a heinous fraud designed to strip you of your rights—some things that need to come to America’s conscious awareness—and now!
The first thing to know about the Higher Law is movement; nothing in existence ever achieves perfection. The second thing to know is balance in the forces of nature. The third thing to know is that everything that begins must end. You must take back your Constitution or be left enslaved.
The question we need to answer is how to make man’s law compliant with nature’s Higher Law, given the fact that we humans are created with the ability to think apart from concrete reality. We use reason and logic for our answers, or revert back to animal status. My thinking is that the closer we can come to the Higher Law the better we humans can adapt. Notwithstanding environmental concerns, global warming and such that sets us back, strictly by emotion—nothing scientific about it—it was precisely my Constitution’s intent, and my personal experience that set me off. I challenged America’s less than honest authorities where it counts, not that it did any direct good. It was the record I created that “turned the tables” on authority.
It was Jesus’ turning of the tables that left his influence to the world. Be aware that we are entering an age of brotherhood and fraternity. Be a child of the new age.
My past experience is long, varied, and full of mistakes. At midlife, I was forced to change. The change included being left to decide what was best for me, and acting accordingly. This was contrary to the establishment’s teaching. What I did was and is considered by the establishment to be selfish and sinful. Actually, it was personally empowering, not the thing the current American establishment wants. The responsibility for what I did was strictly on me. I could not place the blame on others and become a government dependent. This alone forced me to use my own reason and logic, again not what the establishment wants the individual to be, but what my Constitution encourages—what my conscience demands. Look at history and know.
Taking the bull by the horns resulted in things going my way; whereas, when I did the socially acceptable thing, if anything could go wrong it did, sociologist Robert K. Merton’s consequences for accepting from schemers false definitions of the situation that evoke a new behavior. Schemers prove their case by making the original false notion come true. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing, bringing to mind the Democrats that refuse to pass a budget.
Getting back to the Higher Law, contrary to progressive control through government regulation, we may be nobodies—and remain that protesting on the street—but the way to success, I found, was not on the street. By putting myself on the same level of authority, who were angrily protesting me and my audacious acts, calling me a “Fifth Amendment freak,” I knew the law; they didn’t. They had to eat crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.
How many know that my Constitution still prevails—when used? The phony baloney the news media gives you, parroting authority, is not true. I saw to it that the truth was put in print. That’s what my Constitution can do. Never look to authority for answers. Look within and remain in control of your life.
The experts are rewriting your Constitution and changing history to their benefit and your great loss. I’ve written a book about what your Constitution can do for you, rather than in theory, in fact. It’s not what the constitutional experts want you to know. It is not what the courts want you to know. In Earth as It Is in Heaven will be available this June. It tells you what you need to know, rather than from self-serving wolves in sheep’s clothing, straight from sources, to protect your God-given rights.