The picture is of me at age two, with an unbelievable future.
Astrologer James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, in his astrological analysis of me, began with, "We are going to take a look at two key aspects of your astrological data, your Sun sign and your Moon sign. We are going to talk about them archetypically. The emotional issue is pointed out by your Moon sign—how this feels as you go through life—talk about your Sun sign—again archetypically—how you naturally uplift people, to give you some good information as you try to find out what your spiritual mission is. We have a new image of what it means to be a human being, how to think of ourselves as growing, evaluating, understanding, that we can connect with our God‑self energy.”
Redfield wrapped up his analysis of me with this: “When you evolve into your higher self you energize those who cross your path. This becomes your greatest talent.”
Redfield’s analysis of me was a long time back. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since. Today, as far as I’m concerned, life doesn’t get any better. That’s quite a statement for an eighty-six-year-old to make.
It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy, in fact a lot less than it took to make me unhappy. To make me happy, it takes independence. It takes a good mate. It takes the right environment, away from the asphalt jungle. I live in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon, strangely, where Numerology and The Divine Triangle directed me to live. Under my personal life lesson, number 7, “You are here to use and develop your mind… You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind.” Coincidentally, in Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Saturn trine Pluto” (in my chart Saturn is trine Pluto), “Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”
In the Bible, God said, let us make man in our image (Gen 1:26). We begin life with the potential for reason and logic. As we grow, we develop an identity. We want to make everything right for us. How we go about this varies from dependence, to independence, to control-freak—with our reason and logic that fits, as the case may be.
The Bible says we are made in God’s image, God being for the type we happen to be. I suggest that instead of who God is—God can’t be everywhere at the same time—we should think about what God is.
The archetype I fit is described in the cutting edge of science, in numerology, in astrology, and the Bible. We are consciously aware of only so much, and that, to a great extent, depends on what we are taught. Five hundred years back the Catholic Church taught that our planet was at the center of the universe and our world was flat. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth does not fit with Muslim, Christian, or Jewish thinking. It does not fit socialist thinking. It does not fit the dependent’s thinking. The way this independent thinks, it fits the control-freak’s thinking, be he religious or secular. They are all doing their best to regulate us out of our native way of thinking, attempting to turn us into trained animals jumping through their hoops.
The external is applicable to the time-space universe, the part our sensibilities know. We of the external universe operate under orderly rules. We know what to expect. We can depend on the sun continuing to rise in the east. We can depend on our particular religious faith. We can and do depend on government. Where does the government get the money to hand out?
Einstein, who did not believe in any personal God, who believed that everything could be explained within the confines of the time-space universe, has been proven wrong. The cutting edge of science has learned that the universe is more than time and space. It depends on an observer. It follows that God must be personal. God told Moses (speaking of me) to tell his people I AM THAT I AM—in the image of God. It fits with the cutting edge of science. It says that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space are false dogma. It says I’m more than matter. In the cutting edge of science, I’m a “co-equal in the foundry of creation.”
Bell’s theorem tells me that the observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality, “that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.” Evan Harris Walker. Therefore, the current turmoil in the world boils down to how the individual mind, through the will, affects matter and transcends the space-time universe.
We are from dust to dust, but opposing religion’s concepts—one and all—God “breathed” into every single one of us life; “and man became a living soul.” Religion doesn’t know Jesus. Jesus said no man can serve two masters. Jesus said “in earth as it is in heaven…. But seek ye first the kingdom of God…” Heaven and earth are external. God is internal—and in every single one of us. No way do any of us go to a place of eternal suffering. We come back in another life, to correct the mistakes we made in this life. Nothing else makes sense. Any and everything else is meant to gain control of us.
According to astrology, I’m here as a messenger. I’m living proof that the American people’s Constitution is directly from the “Higher Law” of nature. To you young Americans who are being royally taken by the present generation, say I, “Never conform to the fraud being foisted off on you! Study your Constitution and personally act upon what it tells you. You will be doing God’s work. You will be able to say when you are my age that life doesn’t get any better.” I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. It will be available in June at Amazon. Read it and vote your conscience.