Little by little, from the Stone Age humanity has progressed. An interesting thing about it is the comparison between the Holy Catholic Empire of Western Europe, the people impoverished by religious oppression, while China a thousand years ago was enjoying free enterprise and prosperity. History keeps repeating itself.
After the yoke of oppression is lifted and the individual freed to do his thing, the result is prosperity, followed my moral relaxation—but not for long. Wolves in sheep’s clothing take control. It is soon back to oppression. Glenn Beck says it is hard to imagine what is taking place. If he were to read the Gospels with my understanding of what Jesus taught, he would know that what is taking place is exactly what Jesus said would take place.
In China, we see free enterprise making a comeback, in the Mid-East religious oppression, in the West political oppression. It is a never-ending cycle holding back human destiny. Toward the end of the old Testament, the prophet Habakkuk, “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!”
Jesus called it the kingdom of God in us—individually. My life story proves it. From a failed life, I took the leap and flew with eagles. I was on my own. When, according to my teaching, things should have gone wrong, things went right. When you think about it, people in high places, believing they are there for a divine purpose, believe their answers are the right answers. They miss the point that each of us is created with reason and logic. By using my reason and logic, I discovered who I really was and what I was about. Authority’s objective, to rob us of our individual energy and add it to their own, I overcame the wolves in sheep’s clothing and their self-serving rationalizations. All of my dreams came true.
The way wolves in sheep’s clothing get control is to create an evil straw man—Jews, the rich, Satin, or whatever. The response is a following of people who don’t feel the kingdom of God in themselves. They think in external terms. It just so happens that wolves in sheep’s clothing get a following that fits the Piscean personality, which you can read about in astrology books. You can also read in Astrology books about the Aquarian personality—people with a lot of personal energy. Same as Jesus, they warn us about hypocrites. Same as Jesus, they think in terms of being our brother’s keeper. The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, duck soup for wolves in sheep’s clothing. The symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer. Beck doesn’t get it because he does not get the connection between his savior and astrology. We are leaving the Age of Pisces. Pisces is in its death throes.
I was born Aquarius rising. I’ve become what astrology books predict I’d become, keeping in mind that it was my second choice. My first choice was to take the path of least resistance. I ended on a dead end street.
I’ve written a book that details it all, including what the cutting edge of science offers. I venture to say that less than one percent of the American people know or understand what the cutting edge of science has revealed. Beck never mentions it.
It can only be guessed what the American people will do in the coming six months. What they do is crucial to humanity’s future. We are now at the threshold of a quantum leap forward. Today’s election results tell us the Tea Party is still there, but a long way to go in six months. Obama’s got a billion dollars to spend defeating us.
We Americans have been looking to wolves in sheep’s clothing for answers. My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 is coming out in June. Read about the miracles that have occurred in my life. You may change your opinion about who you really are. If you do, Obama could have a trillion dollars to spend and lose. When you finish reading my book, you might be encouraged to believe you have the kingdom of God in you.