4063476995?profile=originalJesus was an individual.  When Jesus was here, the Jewish people were looking for a messiah to lead them out of Roman bondage.  Jesus, a homeless vagabond, was not seen as their messiah.  Jesus preached as an individual to other individuals.   Jesus called Jewish leaders hypocrites.

Came the Tea Party, individuals without a strong leader.  The Tea Party now has a command center and a director.  The objective of the Tea Party is constitutional government. The Constitution is for self-government.    Why listen to me?  I’m a nobody.  

I’m viewing a TV series called Through the Wormhole, which follows my views, which happens to be the latest scientific view: the universe can be reduced to numbers.  We use numbers to explain things we are not able to fathom.  It used to be that numbers explained things and humans.  But science ceased using numbers to explain humans. That was left to religion.  Not knowing, religion has invented various supernatural interpretations of God, and the winner of religious wars is deemed to know God.  It reminds me of animals butting heads. The one that wins is the leader of the heard.

There has emerged two scientific schools of thought, the classic view: science is limited to the time-space universe, and the quantum view: from the smallest excitations it appears there is a dimension of infinite possibility; and moreover, that we get our reality from that dimension.  

It is explained in the quantum physics lab.  If you want to know how something works, you examine the parts.  What if the parts don’t work by the same rules that the world we know works?  In the quantum physics lab it has been determined, for certain, that light, which comes to earth in waves, when observed, wave becomes Photon, a particle. Light travels, as a manner of speaking, through a vacuum in waves.  Waves require water or air. These particles, photons, enter the eye and are processed in the brain. We see a tree.  Our reality comes from a peculiar source.   It has been proven in the quantum physics lab that once two photons are connected they communicate instantaneously no matter how far separated.  That questions travel at the speed of light.  Science now says the universe is basically information, the same information wherever you are, and spelled out in numbers.  It is the same everywhere.  What better way of explaining consciousness, and from consciousness things, and intelligent beings, created with reason and unlimited in the acquisition  of knowledge of the universe.

Take the story of Adam and Eve; we are only supposed to know good. Animals don’t know good and evil.  Our birthrights include reason in the law, the “Higher Law,” if you will, upon which the Constitution is based.  The various supernatural Gods religion has invented, I know from personal experience, don’t fit in the mold of nature’s God.  I was a Christian, and a loser.  I went on my own, with the Constitution and nature’s God, and turned into a winner.  It imposes a big personal responsibility on you to act, and to give up your comfort zone, actually to go out on a limb.  I didn’t act until my life was in ruins.  

The news the Tea Party’s command center brings you spells out a disaster, and soon to come.  When disaster strikes, what has the Tea Party got to offer you, personally?  What has the church got to offer you, personally? What has government got to offer you, personally? The prophet Habakkuk, toward the end of the Old Testament:  “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou will not save!”  When disaster strikes, it is every man for himself.  Best that you be prepared for that.

In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” if God is everywhere, then God is the state of things and beings.  “Consciousness” is the word we give for it.  God is universal consciousness, personified as God-given rights.  It’s all in the Constitution. The word “us” applies to the intelligence of the universe with which we are connected.  The authorities attempt to bring the intelligence of the universe down to earth. But “in earth as it is in heaven,” Jesus said, “seek ye first the kingdom of God. There is a distinction. The kingdom of God is internal. The authorities deal with the external.  

It is not my duty to impose my will on others through the power of government or church, but to do what I can for myself. I say that God-given rights mean the individual has a duty to do unto others as the individual would like to have done to unto himself.  It is a good influence on others, but not if the religions of Abraham or government have anything to say about it.  But you don’t want to hear that. As long as things are going alright for you, why not think about pleasant things?   

All you need do is listen to your President Obama. He is the most forgetful man I’ve ever heard speak. We are looking at anarchy—every man for himself.  What would you do right now if you knew that?  Would you pray to God to save you?    

There are a lot of veterans in the United States.  The recent massacre by an army staff sergeant in Afghanistan is bound to be a big concern for Obama.  I’m a disabled veteran who was in combat in World War II. The veterans hospital has asked me questions about my mental health more than once.    You never know about we veterans who have seen a lot of combat. It has an effect.  What might we do if martial law were declared?

I lived on a boat for two years in international waters. I anchored off outlying islands in the Bahamas.  I was armed with a semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun with shells meant for humans I wanted to kill, and a .45 caliber Colt semi-automatic pistol and high powered ammunition with hollow-nose bullets meant to immediately put a man out of action.  On more than one occasion, boats approached me. There were friendly waves from the occupants.  As they approached, I went for my shotgun.  That was enough to send them on their way.  If that hadn’t work, I would not have hesitated to shoot them. What would Obama do if we veterans were prepared to shoot anyone threatening us?  You can bet that before Obama attempts to subdue us, he will call for all guns to be turned in.  I rather doubt that many veterans would turn in their weapons should Obama declare martial law.

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