How many irrational government enactments have to be made before the people realize it is they who have to do something to stop the crazies in power? Are we so shell-shocked, numb and fearful that the government will take away our freedom; well it has, and everything that goes with it; even our common sense. How long do we standby watching what more the government will decide to enforce on us? Are we so masochistic that we will endure the extremes of wrath of Minnie tyrants? Are we, too, so complacent, solely, dependent on others to fight for our rights? Have we been conditioned as lab animals to respond to government commands; when it should respond to ours, instead: They work for us, or do we work for them in reality? Whose reality is it? Unfortunately, we are living that reality, and that reality is that it has isolated us and conquered us. The government has decided that the American People have become a threat to it, endangering its hold on absolute power. It appears in evidence, that we are, and now we have handed over the reins to these little thugs, ultimately, to enslave us to their desire. We have capitulated hoping that they will not punish us too much, for once resisting their urges.
One interesting question: Why do we have to fight for our rights, when the government is sworn to uphold The Constitution? The clear and focused answer is: because it does not acknowledge it in any way. We are facing fascism straight in the eyes, and it scares us into inaction, on every level!!!
Joseph Phillip De Marco