The Law of Oblivion

I attempted to link the last responder to My Miracle Message to my latest blog. A glitch occurred. My Miracle Message and all 263 comments disappeared in a black hole.  Weird!


After writing My Miracle Message last February, I bought my own domain from Bluehost and named it I was given a choice of format providers. I picked WordPress and entered My Miracle Message to my Web site.  Much to my surprise, it soon attracted an audience and comments.  My audience referred My Miracle Message  and other blogs I posted to their friends, associates, twitter, etc. In short order, was attracting so many comments I couldn’t read them all.


I know nothing about managing and promoting a Web site.  The monthly cost is $12.95 to place my blogs before the world.  If one has good logic to offer, one-on-one communication is an extremely powerful force.  You don’t need to hire a pro.  No telling how many people are being exposed to this nobody’s logic.  It’s like a pandemic of new thinking. What a change!   


Fortunately, my domain provider. Bluehost, found My Miracle Message for me.  No telling how it got there. It was in my WordPress trash file.  Had the blog not been found, however, all of my blogs link to my original blog. There is that distinction. The Law of Oblivion would not have applied. Not so with U.S. Code.  For the past 75 years, the interpretations of the U. S. Constitution have not linked whatsoever with the original Constitution. The ship of state left its constitutional course when the Roosevelt Administration added a government duty, during the Great Depression, to “help out” the individual. Property became the means to Roosevelt’s end—government dependence for the good of all. The means was justified by the end, thus leaving a downward spiral of personal responsibility and self-reliance at the expense of the taxpayers.  I was a self-employed taxpayer, and as such not eligible for government entitlements. I couldn’t pay my rent and was locked out.  When the French people couldn’t afford bread, Marie said, “Let them eat cake.”   For the good of all, as far as the government is concerned, the individual counts for naught.


Roosevelt’s New Deal Law was manna from heaven for politicians and the less ambitious.  Nice work if you can get it, this, the most outrageous fraud in the history of man. “Take from the rich and give to the poor” led to the present situation, a $14.3 trillion national debt (that’s a sickening 50 grand debt for every man, woman and child in America), high unemployment, a third more spending than federal income, two-thirds of the spending on government entitlements, a divided nation, and more than half of the American people in one way or another dependent on government. Where have the American people been?   Most Americans don’t want to look at reality. They prefer to live in the hope that things will work out. Don’t they always?  Take the Holocaust. Hope did not work.


America’s intelligentsia has the philosophy that nothing is factual that either does not meet certain mathematical standards or that otherwise has verifiable consequences.  This academic approach—the Roosevelt and Fabian Socialist approach—placed the cart before the horse. I’m sorry to say, folks, this time things are not going to work out for you.  


Natural law and nature’s God created a being possessing reason and logic.  Reason and logic dominated the English common law. The English common law applied in the writing of the U. S. Constitution. Then came Roosevelt’s duty to the people. The American people bought it. Now, Unfortunately, realistically looking at the facts, the election of 2012 will see officials in charge of a bankrupt nation. The mass of less ambitious government pawns say nay to capitalism. In the last quarter, Obama raised $80 million in campaign funds.  He’s going for a billion dollar campaign and none of the money will be spent in a primary.  Actually, the answer appears to be another banana republic.  


My Miracle Message is a clue to your future.  Most if not all of the comments I’m reading, from people all over the world, are from entrepreneurs with something to sell on the Internet—innovators making their own way.  Surprise! Whenever natural law and reason and logic are not good enough, the Law of Oblivion applies. S-o-o-o, no way, Jose. Adios!


However, as far as they go, I will say America’s control freaks are right. National boundaries, as a practical matter, will disappear; the third world will prosper; one-on-one communication will flourish. I don’t think they had this in mind. The United Nations, the Muslim Brotherhood, and socialism will simply wither away. It is the Law of Oblivion.


In spirit, the second coming of Christ, we will become our brother’s keeper. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.







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