You’ve done it folks! Republicans, thanks to the Tea Party, now have control of the “People’s House.” The new Speaker, after taking his oath that he would protect and defend our Constitution, was congratulated. This humble man deserves all that we can give him in guidance. Now our work begins of taking back our God-given rights, and our people in Congress will be with us. They say they are taking orders from us. We of the Tea Party individually chose the Tea Party. Individually, we are chosen to accomplish this feat, not our representatives in Washington. Listen to what I tell you and those we put in office will do our bidding because what I tell you is your inner will.
Currently, the lesser of evils is to raise the debt ceiling. Currently, there are a lot of ideas going back and forth. Indecision is apparent. At the forming of the union, the lesser of the evils was seen as slavery. At the time, the South’s economy was at stake. Slavery was for the good of all. The Supreme Court, in light of the needs of the time, sided with slavery. The Civil War made the decision that slavery was the greater evil. America paid a hell of a price for the mistake of doing what was for the good of all. We are still paying. It is a lesson to remember.
In 2008, the lesser of the evils was seen as bailing out corrupt Wall Street. It’s still the same. In 2011, the lesser of the evils is seen as raising the debt ceiling. It’s like being caught in a bear trap and the only solution is to cut off a foot; otherwise we perish. I’ll guarantee you that most people, rather than cut off a foot, would hope and pray for a miracle. Well, I’m going to tell you the miracle that will get us out of the bear trap we’re in.
The purpose of the law is to prevent being caught in a bear trap. Having said this, it is customary in our time to ascribe legality as well as supremacy to the Constitution, legality being the form of law, supremacy being the moral and ethical values of the law, the one in truth but the obverse of the other. That which is legal is a general expression of the law—whatever pleases our judges having the force of law; we the people yield our God-given rights, ostensibly, for the good of all.
At the cost of his life, Jesus declared: “seek ye first the Kingdom of God.” That has no place in America’s current law, declared Elena Kagan, Obama’s last pick of Supreme Court judges, and approved by the Senate. We do not have God-given rights under America’s current law. Do not depend on Congress to protect your rights. Your representatives consider only what is for the good of all. You would think of all people Obama would know it is wrong. He needs to be reminded that if it were not for Abraham Lincoln he would be an American slave. Lincoln was not thinking in terms of what was for the good of all. Like Jesus, Lincoln paid with his life for thinking what Higher Law says.
Well, here we are, folks, caught in a bear trap. What to do? I’ve told you what I did. I’m going to tell you again. I studied the Constitution and my protections under it in the country library. Make this distinction: I did not go to law school to learn the customary way. I learned the law and my protections. I used my common sense; that is, what was best for me, not what was for the good of all. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, encouraging me. I had a bigger than life calling.
I challenged federal income tax as being unconstitutional. Make a mental note of this: income tax is the only way to be heard in a court of law on your God-given rights. You have a personal stake in the outcome.
When I went out on a limb for my God-given rights, I was aware that long ago the federal judiciary had ruled that the income tax was constitutional, and had many times since ruled that the income tax had not changed so much that it was unconstitutional. Income tax has often been ruled illegal, but not unconstitutional. When I petitioned the Tax Court, I could only be heard on the question of legality. The Tax Court ruled that the IRS had illegally taxed me. The IRS gave me back my sweat, that which it had illegally taken from me, which put me on the street, by the way. Was that not a violation of the supremacy of the Constitution? Not according to America’s courts of law, who see it as an “error.” Mistakes will be made. It can’t be helped. Let’s take a closer look at this “error” and judge whether the courts are not lawless frauds but honestly interpreting our Constitution.
The IRS made another “error.” The IRS confiscated my property again after the Tax Court ruled that it was in error. I appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on the ground that the continuing errors were unconstitutional. The Court ruled for the IRS. The IRS was allowed to keep my sweat it confiscated (in error). I petitioned the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General told the Supreme Court that the IRS made an “error.” He didn’t tell the Court that the IRS was making error after error. My case was not heard. The IRS kept what it had confiscated in “error.” I filed a complaint in the District Court, for a third time. This time the judge didn’t dismiss my claim. Before I was heard, the Department of Justice told the Court that the IRS made an “error.” The money confiscated was refunded. Then the IRS went to my bank and confiscated every cent in my checking account.
I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post investigated. The IRS admitted on the front page of the Post that it had been in “error” many times and that the bank seizure was another “error.” Was this an “error” or a violation of my God-given rights? Whatever, the IRS ate its humble pie. That was the end of it. Does the end justify the means even when the means is lawless? Your judges say the end justifies the means. What say you?
As a general rule, the commands of law givers, sanctioned by the courts, is the law, whatever the case may be. Is it lawful to tax incomes to the extent that some workers can’t exist, merely on the ground that it is for the good of all? If this is the case, why couldn’t robbery be for the good all? In fact, it is. The question isn’t whether or not to increase the debt. Common sense says the IRS is a lawless bandit. We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
By standing up for my God-given rights—“seek ye first the kingdom of God,” said Jesus—my personal power became miraculous. I opened the bear trap and kept my foot. Not only did the IRS eat crow, but many miracles followed. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. I’m not a member of any religious faith. On my own, in a very real way, Jesus became my savior and redeemer. I can tell you from personal experience that Jesus is there for all of us. If I could convince every member of Tea Party that there is a Higher Law that protects the individual’s right to life, liberty, and property, and it is there for each of us to use, we would not look to Washington ever again for leadership. We would look within for the God that exists in each of us, who has blessed us, my dear friends, and lead our representatives in paths of righteousness. I’m merely repeating what our Constitution says. Don’t allow self-serving authorities to rob you of your rights. Our reason and logic is fundamental to the law. With it, we can climb the highest mountain, be anyone we want to be. All of our dreams will come true if only we will look within.