" I'm the Masters of War, I hide behind walls........" a song sung by Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan, many moons ago; during the heyday of the '60s peace marches and, the love and happiness crowd. Next to Prostitution, War is the oldest profession. Followed by Drug running and Terrorism. We have moved into the Terrorism mode full force. The Masters must have Ordo Ab Chao, and what better way, next to drugging us and bending us over, is to get it done? Bands of zealots running around shouting "God is Great" and blowing "non-believers" away, of course - Terrorism, a constant state of fear.
We've already had attacks by these wind-up toys here in the U.S. The whore media, through not reporting this as the case, plays it off as the "lone nut" deal once again - the Marine recruiting center in Tennessee; Fort Hood in Texas; the Garland, Texas episode, and others no doubt. There's no need to look overseas to Paris, France or Mali in Africa. Those are just larger, more dramatic events. However, we can now look forward to similar attacks here in the USA. I'm sure schools, malls, office buildings, gov't. buildings, anywhere large groups of people gather will be targets: gun-free zones of course.
Crunch time is upon us all; all of us Americans, that is. The ones who believe in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitutional Republic; you know, us kooks who love what made America great; the place our forefathers chose to call home and where they invested in their futures and the futures of their progeny. This crunch time includes the need to protect ourselves. This is where the 2nd Amendment comes in. Everyone reading this needs to do whatever they can politically to stop any government "official" (in reality, public servant) from taking our guns away.
This is no time to get soft on gun ownership. If anything, we need to get more vehement about lawful citizens being able to own firearms AND be able to carry them; not just have them at home for Home Invaders. What good is having a firearm at home when you are outside the home, walking around, being targeted as a chump in a gun-free zone? None. We all need to push for the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and smaller gun rights groups to get on the backs of politicians and govt. "officials"; make them see the light on how important it is for American citizens to be allowed to CARRY firearms, so that when we get caught in the crossfire of one of these "mall" shootings, we're not defense-less.
In Mali, these raving lunatics rounded up innocent people, took them hostage, and over the course of 3 hours, asked each one if they were a Muslim. To prove that they were, they had to quote scripture and verse from the Koran. If they failed the test, they were shot on the spot at close range. Put yourself in that position; I'd say it's a no-win situation. But.....if these were gun owners, not in a gun-free zone (these should be illegal, by the way), the ones lying face down in the aftermath would be the raving lunatics; not the innocent victims. The Police can never get to any scene fast enough to prevent murder and mayhem. Haven't we learned that yet?