This is a blatant disregard for America and its citizens to be so lackidasical as those workers were posed to be. In not assisting to thwart the assault on that woman is an outrage against McDonalds Corporation and its fundamental stand in America as to serving anyone, anytime and reaping their profits as they do.
Policies and Procedures were thrown out the door right behind their counter, as the employees just stood around and watched.
Cause and Effect?
Video Violence allowed to thrive in America is partly to blame here upon both sides of this issue.
1) On the part of the attackers, I'm not sure what purposed the incident I've just watched, I wasn't there, and neither were any of us watching or at least hearing the reports. Yet, video gaming in this country should have its course nearly completed by now and HALTED once and for all.
2) On the part of the Employees, as so called Innocent By standers, and impartial witnesses to this attack, to cowardice as part and parcel of company policy, video gaming in the effect that they're so full of the Blood, guts, and gore, that their (even subtle) Human compassion was hacked up and spit upon the floor of that restaraunt.
To put it nicely, yet not to the affect of Political Correctness:
"Don't Step There, Until It Dries!" mentality in America should be a WAKE UP call to the societal dysfunction here in this country.
How can we call this country GREAT when this kind of garbage is taking place, video taped, and broadcast within the realms of any media is a sham and shame upon the American Right.
Stop it NOW!