The Tea Party is made up of Americans who got a wake-up call and proceeded to act on a grand scale. This has never before happened in America. You people, in spite of the insults, have continued to grow in numbers by leaps and bounds—and individually directed.
I’m 35 years ahead of you. I got my wake-up call in 1973 and acted. I wrote a letter to Attorney General William Saxbe letting him know the income tax was unconstitutional and I’d see him in court. Be advised that you have a personal stake in the law under the income tax. Saxbe passed my letter on to the IRS and it acted, unconstitutionally. Under the Constitution, let it be known, we are innocent until proven guilty. Under the IRS rules, same as in slavery, an expedience for the good of all, you are guilty until proven innocent. Why do we allow this?
I petitioned the Tax Court with a list of grievances. The IRS offered, in part, to back off if I’d agree to drop the petition. Why would the IRS back off if they were right? With their offer, they let me know that they would lose. They assumed that a peasant like me would not take them to court. I turned the offer down. I made good my promise that I’d see the Attorney General in court. His lawyer, Solicitor General Wade H. McCree, Jr. appeared against me in the U. S. Supreme Court claiming the IRS made an “error.” If I had made the error the IRS made, I’d be in jail.
The IRS, courts, Congress, and the President, because they had been getting away with it, thought they could sweep me under the carpet. They were wrong.
I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. The IRS admitted that it made many errors, and was still making errors against me 11 years after the first, this admitted in a front page story. The IRS apologized. Uncle Sam was very sorry that it is an unconstitutional fraud; it meant no harm. End of the story for all but me.
Would the original Americans have stood for this unconstitutional fraud? Where did the Tea Party get its name? The American people did not put up with King George’s tax. They revolted.
I believed that federal income tax was abusing my God-given rights. One does not settle for part of his God-given rights. The IRS put me on the street, and in violation of the U. S. Code. When the key to my apartment would not open my door, I called the police. Although I didn’t have the money to pay my rent, thanks to the lawless IRS, the landlord had no right to lock me out without a legal procedure. I’m law abiding. The IRS and my landlord were not. By acting against an unconstitutional tax, I found that the only way to keep the income tax in place is by intimidation and lies. By the way, that’s what kept slavery in place. One of the greatest of Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. Who will free we income tax slaves?
Do the American people know that God-given rights mean nobody can take them from you without your permission? America’s tyrannical authorities think you will not call their bluffs. Most of the time they are right. Now that the Tea Party has made itself known, your work has just begun. You must continue, uncompromisingly, toward your goal, your God-given rights. Give Washington an inch; it will take a mile.
Already we hear from Washington that we don’t have a choice. We simply must increase the debt limit in March, even though it is absolutely insane. This has all been carefully planned. We will not be able to pay our debts; we will ruin our credit. We will not be able to pay the troops; an unspeakable disaster will occur if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, and on and on until the inevitable: we become the hopeless slaves of the perpetrators. It’s nothing new.
Maybe it would be a good thing to ruin our credit. Maybe it would be a good thing to bring the troops home. Maybe it would be a good thing to shrink government to half of its size, even though the suffering would be great. Even that could be a good thing. I was petrified in fear. A great change in my life was taking place over which I had no control. In my case, it forced me to look within and discover the real me. There was no one else there for me. I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and got on my path of destiny. Everything started going right.
Jesus, after saying “in earth as it is in heaven,” in the Lord’s Prayer, said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where do you think the kingdom of God is? Where is your soul? Where is your conscious awareness? You exist in a place and a state. God is not in the IRS, or the government, or the courts. God is in your soul. Why would authorities not want to make you feel that you have no rights, that you must depend on them? They think they know what is best for you. They are taught that.
Why do you think you were put in this place? Do you think you come programmed to go through the motions already set for you in advance, like a herd animal? That’s what your government wants. Are you here to make a life for yourself or here for the good of all? Government believes you are here to serve government, for the good of all. If you don’t believe me, try telling government you have God-given rights.
Are you not doing your children an enormous disservice to obey unconstitutional laws that strip you of all of your God-given rights? The Nazis didn’t get away with saying they were obeying the law. Germany’s judges backed the Nazis. Why would America’s judges not back Uncle Sam? The law is not what tyrants say it is.
It will go hard on you to inform Washington that you have God-given rights nobody can take from you. Washington will try every way it can, by giving to you, by taking from you, by threatening you, by imprisoning you, to make you a believer in its corrupt power.
Henry Ford said if you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t. I thought I could and I did. Welcome to the Tea Party.
By the way, I think the TEA in Tea Party is actually an acronym for T.axed E.nough A.lready.
If it is not, then it should be!
Sounds like an excellent argument for the repeal of the 16th Amendment.
We do need some sort of a tax structure to allow to operate. Less of one when Gov't. is operating properly than what we have now. But something none the less.
I favor something LIKE FAIR Tax, but only if the 16th is repealed First.
It should be based upon the GDP or something similar that reflects the percentage of money spent inside the U.S. annually as opposed to the cost of operating our Government properly.
We would have to base it upon the way things are right now, even with the exorbitant spending, but it could be adjusted once things have been brought under control.
Then it should ONLY be adjustable by popular vote.