Radical Islam’s Osama bin Laden dealt a harsh blow to capitalism by taking down the World Trade Center. Millions of capitalist-hating Mid-East Muslims danced in the street. President Obama, neither capitalist nor socialist, but for “collective salvation,” his innovation, neither here nor there, the Muslims who destroyed the World Trade Center, says Obama, have a right to build a mosque next to the hole in the ground Osama left, and closed the subject for further discussion. He can do that, but history will report that Obama is the Pied Piper of Hamelin who led his child-like following to their departure, to never return. Good luck. You Obama lovers are going to need it.
The Phoenix was a legendary bird that after five or six centuries immolated itself on a pyre and then from the ashes to begin a new cycle of years, an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope, this is the other side of the Islam-Obama coin.
The 9-11 event could be the sign of the ending of the age of orthodoxy and control freaks, the beginning of an age of brotherhood, without government coercion, “that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naïveté, denial, and inflation, wrote Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche, under “World Wars, Cold War, and September 11.” Tarnas is a distinguished philosopher and cultural historian who demonstrates in his book the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history. It is amazing that people are not aware of the signs of the time. By the way, Obama was elected president in November 2008. Tarnas points out that in November 2008 Saturn and Pluto went into quadrature alignment, the very worst of alignments. Coincidentally, many of us think Obama is the worst president America has ever had. It all fits. He doesn’t know whether he is afoot or horseback. Let’s talk about the weak-willed people of the Piscean nature who elected him.
But first, let me say one of the most magnificent works of nature is Crater Lake, Oregon, and as a result of a volcanic eruption 40 times as great as the Mt. St. Helens eruption. It just happened that on May 18, 1980 my wife Karen and I were hiking on a trail near Mt. St. Helens. It was our first date. Karen, my fourth wife, the love of my life, reminding me of the legendary Phoenix and Crater Lake, our first date was a sign of reborn idealism or hope, and the same for the 9-11 event if you look at it my way.
We’re each here for a purpose. Karen and I were united for a purpose. Our lives together have been exciting and blessed with good fortune. This reminds me of all of those now jumping through the hoops of control freaks—in support of union control—and for the good of all, of course. They are under the conception that might makes right. But, gee, where did their power go? They are not ready to face facts.
I sympathize with them. I was experiencing a repeating dream shortly before I departed my old life. Speaking of the Phoenix legend, I was flying on the back of a giant bird through a narrow, winding canyon, terrified. I could not see around the bends. At the time, I feared the fast approaching drastic change in my life. I had no idea of what my future held for me. I was right where the world is today.
We can either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. It is our individual choice. Based on personal experience, my advice: be prepared for the worst. You come equipped to cope. Look within for answers. In a boat full of holes, the bail-out establishment, as always, a day late and a dollar short, my friends, the establishment is not going to do what the voters want. It never does. It’s enough to make the Speaker of the House cry. Nice guy! He is so sorry to have to disappoint us. Congressional bumblers are going to continue to search for an easy way out, all the time digging a deeper hole. That’s the orthodoxy. That’s control freaks. And look who the President is, the worst leader ever. The next two years , the most shameful period in America’s history, is going to be something nobody want to seriously talk about. America’s is going down the tube, but in this fast paced world, it will not be for long.
Shades of the past, after I got used to the idea that a drastic change in my life was coming, unconsciously, I reacted, first to go after the cause of my demise. My wife was divorcing me. My business enterprise was on the rocks. The United States was the cause. I reacted by studying “my” Constitution and my rights. The United States had informed me that, under the 16th Amendment, my personal income was taxable up to 100 percent. Does that sound like the law to you? Well, it isn’t. Congress doesn’t pay any attention to “my” Constitution. Consequently, we’ve had it. The lawlessness will soon come to its rightful end.
The law is based on reason and logic. Somebody please tell the politicians we’ve just elected that they are frauds and they are going to be voted out of office. For years, the law in practice has placed the government entitled ahead of my right to exist on the fruits of my own labor. That’s why Islam calls America the “Great Satin.” Actually, both the United States and Islam are bed fellows. Both are in violation of the “Higher Law.” One is as wrong as the other. According to the control freaks, there is no “Higher Law.” Theirs is only the law.
You had best start personally dealing with the change. Listen to your union bosses and be left up a creek without a paddle. You people on the street: It is not going to be your way or else. You are kidding yourselves. And you folks with the government entitlements, if you look externally for answers, the change is going make your life get worse and worse, while your opposition, with reduced competition, is going to do better and better.
The “Higher Law” places the individual in charge of his life. There is no such thing as collectivism, for the good of all, or the end result justifies the means, or government entitlements. All of it is manmade manipulation—control freaks taking charge of your freedoms, fools who think we are not capable of managing our lives. They are the smartest, the very wisest of all. If you think they are right, you are right. You never gained control your life. You exist in a government controlled hothouse. I can control my life. I am in control of my life. You people living in La La Land can’t answer the question: why would we taxpayers want to make your lives better than ours at our expense? You are not the law. You are slaves of the smartest and wisest. Your good fortune is short lived.
The far-out control freaks, those perpetrating the wrongs, are doing their best to convince you that the 9-11 event was the fault of the present government. They got their education from Hitler. Our constitutional form of government gets the blame for everything these revolutionary freaks do that goes wrong. Listen to Islam. Hitler was God’s will. Says Islam, Hitler was here to punish Jews. The world is full of simple Simons who never mature, who believe whatever self-serving authority tells them.
The 9-11 event was a sign that the Age of Aquarius has arrived, an age of brotherhood. I’m telling you that Islam’s knuckleheads, desperately clinging to a bygone past, are in their death throes. Are you going to capitulate in fear? Believe me: Those freaks, like Neanderthals, will soon be history. Where will you be?
You are equipped to control your lives. It’s all playing out according to plan. Everything is in divine order. Those clinging to the past make it all the easier for you. Count your blessings. Take it from one who knows.