The Meaning of Words

Let us begin with the word “logic:” the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. Now take the word “God:” the creator and ruler of the universe. Take the word “man:” the human individual. Take “human nature:” the psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind. “Psycho:” a combining form representing psyche. “Psyche:” the human soul, spirit, or mind.  Humans are logical minded.


Now take the word “soul:” the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life: the spiritual principle embodied in all human beings.


Now take the word “religion:” a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as a superhuman agency. “Superhuman:” above and beyond what is human.  Who or what makes that determination?  Did man make a mistake when he created God?  Or did God make a mistake when he created man?


Man creates religions. The science that investigates the principles governing correct and reliable inference, attributable of humans, rejects faith in some superhuman notion without a basis of logic.

Unless the religion or state is all inclusive it does not acknowledge that we humans possess logic. You cannot say that any of the three major religions are all-inclusive in their doctrines and dogmas.  America’s Constitution was based on the logical idea that the law is king. The United States has rejected America’s Constitution, and thereby the law of all times.  


Jesus did not claim to be superhuman. To the contrary, he turned us away from the divine Caesar idea and toward a new, all-inclusive religion.  Jesus: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Mt. 12:28,29).  The superhuman United States says, “Don’t bust your bottom working. Come to Uncle Sam and get your welfare check. Let the filthy rich pay you so you who labor can rest.”


It is totally illogical that the United States can take the place of Jesus.  The United States is on the same course as Rome was when Jesus uttered the above words.  The Tea Party can take credit for puncturing the U. S. gas bag. Keep up the good work.


I’ve just discovered something more on the meaning of words. Take the word “logic.”  In numerology, letters reduce to numbers. A=1, B=2, C=3, - - J=10/1, K=11/2, L=12/3, and so on. Logic adds up to 20/2. Here is what we read under 20/2 in Numerology and The Divine Triangle.  “20/2, AS A PERSONAL NUMBER VIBRATION. You will be faced with many decisions in your lifetime. You must learn to make judgments based on reason, not appearance. When measuring or sizing up people, see their works and not their reputations.  Outward appearance can be deceiving, so you must exercise thoughtfulness before any final judgments are made.”


“You like to control the people in your circle of influence and prefer to shape things to the ends which you deem worthy.  Such a position necessitates choices; therefore, you are constantly tested.  Should I do this or that? Is it wise to take this path or that path? Shall I go with the new or stick with the old? Deep within, you have an abiding knowledge of opposites; therefore, you are continually confronted with the need to make choices. As a result, your life is one of adaptation and renewal.  New plans, new purposes and new ambitions present a continuing scenario demanding decisive action. This cyclical process creates the awakened human personality because the moment of judgment is the same as the moment of awareness.  You cannot make a decision until you have weighed and measured all the facts and arrived at an awareness of the situation.  Through decisive action you develop yourself and overcome the difficulties in life.  Let your conscience guide you. “


The spirit of Christmas, the spirit of Jesus, the brotherhood attributed to the Age of Aquarius—

When the Moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars


The choice, love and peace or death and destruction, does logic come from the brain? To know, it is necessary to know human consciousness, as distinguished from other life forms.  Human consciousness perceives of good and evil, and various authorities to make a determination; it all depends on the circumstances.


The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, said Steinbeck. There is one common denominator in the rich and powerful and the poor and miserable: determination, the former, strong, the latter weak. Enter authorities to make the determination, how to help the weak remain weak and the strong to remain strong. 


Where did I get this idea? I observe; I am conscious. Is my conscious awareness in my brain or in a state without boundary?  Who or what blocks my awareness?  The authorities do what they can to keep people dumbed down and themselves in control, but with determination, there is no way to prevent one from growing in awareness.  One can be very much aware of the opportunities to get rich, the opportunities to become powerful, or determined to simply drift on the tides. The drifters are easy prey for the rich and powerful, both in the public and private sectors.


I observed that the public had enjoyed a rising stock market for years.  The rich and powerful manipulated the market, enriching themselves, causing the stock market crash in 1929. The  Federal Reserve Bank, there to prevent bank failures during economic downturns, caused thousands of banks to fail. This brought on the so-called Great Depression and the rich and powerful Franklin D. Roosevelt to help out the poor and miserable, by keeping them dumbed down as much as possible. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor, I observe, is a marvelous way to stay in control.  


I observe that America’s Great Depression spread to Europe.  Germany’s Weimar Republic, the same as the Federal Reserve Bank is doing now in America, flooded the market with printing press money.  Germany’s currency became worthless.  The lesser of the evils turned out to Hitler’s National Socialism, better known as Nazi Germany.  The powerful became monsters. I was sent to Germany to eliminate the monsters.  I’m a disabled World War II veteran depending on the taxpayers.  


Why this sorry state of affairs?  Federal Reserve chaiman Ben Benarke says he doesn’t want to do what the Fed did in the 1930s, so he does what the Weimar Repubic did.  The Fed’s printing presses are printing trillions of dollars backed by nothing.  We have none other than socialist Barack Obama waiting for the day to proclaim himself the answer to our problem.  Did you know that he is quietly working now to eliminate the Canadian and Mexican borders?  What if, as a result, an American city is wiped out? Obama proves by his acts that he is willing to give millions of American lives to put himself in full control.


Shades of the Weimar Republic, the Wall Street Journal, I observe, says this is the worst Congress ever.  Going back to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s means of power and control, said Roosevelt shortly after being elected: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.”  A Roosevelt Court backed him. Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, told us that “property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.” 


Barack Obama doesn’t need Congress, not anymore than Hitler needed the Weimar government. Socialist Barack Obama says he is a Roosevelt Democrat, and that he has a problem with the Constitution.  What I observe is a cliff and Barack Obama poised to push me off.







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