The inevitable takes place when you wander from the path of destiny, whether individually, socially, or the world. This was true in my life. I assume it is true in every individual’s life, as well as socially, and worldwide—stated in the simplest of terms.
When we understand the subtle workings of the universe—how it develops its energy—we will know how it comes to us individually. This I know from personal experience. The mistake we’ve made is looking externally for answers.
The same as any mechanism produces energy; each part with a special purpose, earthbound authority did not build the engine and does not know how it works. God created each of us with a special purpose. We are the parts of the engine. When authority attempts to take the place of God, the mechanism fails. Father does not know best. Father is there to teach his children to do the best for themselves. I got this idea from Jesus.
The thing we need to learn is that it is never ever trickle down. It is forever and always trickle up. If all the parts of the engine are working properly it produces full power, efficiently and effectively. Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth.
The worst thing Obama and Congress could do is to add more fuel to a malfunctioning engine. The only thing we can do to get the engine of enterprise working property again it to do a general overhaul to find which parts are malfunctioning.
As I read the Constitution, it says we were meant to be self-governed. When the Constitution was written, the man who built the best wagon was the man we hired to build our wagons. All working together, with almost no government, we, the people, got the engine of enterprise working efficiently and effectively.
The people prospered. America grew in power. We began to look to government to solve our problems. The next thing you know, we were in the Great Depression, and looking to government for the cure. How long is it going to take to know it is not trickle down? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. At this rate, the meek will never inherit the earth.
The Constitution has the answer. Your government is ignoring your Constitution. Why are you looking to government for the cure? The cure is looking to the creator of the engine, learning what is needed, and making the repairs—before government kills our coughing and wheezing engine, trying to get its power back by flooding it with excessive fuel.