Before I begin, I’d like to state that my views are way off the beaten track. They come from my spiritual guides.
Don’t tell Obama, he’s narcissistic and easily offended. But with the ship of state off course and heading for the rocks, I’d like to bring to mind the moral story of man as it has come to my mind over the years. In the Lord’s Prayer, “on earth as it is in heaven,” I get a quite different picture than the establishment gives us. I get a picture that is up to today’s speed, and that the establishment is living in the past, and that because the American people are bewitched, the government of the United States, instead of serving the people, feeling duty bound, has established itself, for the purpose of power and control, as the prime source of earthly benevolences.
Silver tongued Obama has talked the American people into the idea that because God-given property rights unfairly give to a few immense wealth, thereby depriving the masses, this requires government to redistribute the wealth of the nation. However, the reality of it all: the all-powerful government Obama heads, a self-fulfilling prophecy, favors even fewer, and in the end, a fact of history, will give the masses suffering and death.
Actually, as I see it, reality is after me you come first. It’s nature’s unbreakable law, the big fish feeding on the little fish. This questions what was it that caused the planet Earth to form in precisely the right orbit around the sun to produce life, life that began in the sea, and to develop into beings knowing good and evil. Are the ages not linked together in progressive order? Are we humans not here with increasing purpose? Is not progressive government an abomination against the divine redemption Jesus promised, leaving the responsibility for you and I to act?
A universe without consciousness could not have matter. Before anything, comes consciousness, a state of awareness, the potential for something, an idea, in Gen. 1:1: “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” Gen 1:2: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” And so to make a very long story short, we come to man in Gen. 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” So what do we get? Al Gore. Need I say more?
In man, some aggressive, most passive, some leaders, most followers, the aggressive garnering power, the passive yielding power, came the greatest charter of freedom ever written, the U.S. Constitution. When I came to a jumping off place in my life, my business career on the rocks, and my marriage as well, I found in a second hand law book store law Professor Edward S. Corwin’s essay, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. Not what you hear in Sunday school, my church going friends, but Corwin’s essay inspired me to go to the county law library and study my Constitution. As I read, not an angel from Heaven spelled with a capital H, I had the feeling that voices from the past were personally speaking to me, encouraging me. I had that bigger than life calling many of us get.
It isn’t everyone who would take positive action against the most powerful nation on earth. Neither leader nor follower by nature, I’m independent, when I read the Constitution, it was a proper fit and I acted accordingly. I took the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to court. He was violating my constitutional rights. But that was a no-no. I was one of those nasty, self-serving tax protesters. Judge Quelly, my tax court judge, took me into is chambers, took off his robe, and said, “man to man, why do you think you shouldn’t pay your taxes?" My response: “Because, as I read my Constitution, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is violating my constitutional protections.” Judge Quealy: “Well you are wrong. The Commissioner made a mistake. It will be corrected in this court, and that’s that.”
By taking action, the public doesn’t know what I know. Read my blog, “A Word on Government Entitlement.” The United States has clearly overturned the balance of power my Constitution gave the American people, has turned the ship of state around and headed our freedoms for the rocks. But the United States turned me from independent into a freedom fighter. The lawless renegade government in control of the American people was forced to admit to the world on the front page of The Palm Beach Post that it had lawlessly confiscated my property. I say to judge Quealy, “you are wrong and that’s that.” I say to you, my reader, “you don’t know the power that lies within you.”
Clearly, the United States hates with a passion being challenged. The bone heads hung themselves with their own rope. But even after admitting to the world what it had done, the shameless IRS tried again to teach me a lesson I’d never forget, and lost for a second time. The irony of it all is that after doing everything it could possibly do to destroy me, my government now entitles me.
The incompetence of America’s government is absolutely outrageous. Nancy Pelosi tells us that unemployment checks stimulate the economy. The more the unemployment, the more the economy is stimulated. President Obama is out again telling the gullible what a great job he is doing in ending the recession, even though the economy is moving again toward recession. Obama promised lowering the 8 percent unemployment rate when he took office. He tells his gullible following now that his stimulus package saved America from having 13, 14 or even 15 percent unemployment. Unbelievable! How does one deal with such bone headedness? That a single soul would believe Obama or the people with whom he is surrounded is a mystery.
With “on earth as it is in heaven” from The Lord’s Prayer for guidance, I was born with Aquarius rising. This means that at the moment I took my first breath the sun was rising on the eastern horizon of the astrologer’s zodiac. Where else have I heard this? Oh Yes! Our sun is a star. In the Bible, the three wise men followed the star in the east to the birth of the Christ Child. It is not my intent to belittle the birth of Christ, but there has been more than one Christ, and more than one rebirth.
There is an answer I found it in Astrologer’s Handbook for the current divisiveness. First I refer you to “on earth as it is in heaven.” In church next Sunday, when you repeat The Lord’s Prayer, think about this. Under “Pisces,” we read, “Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others.” Hello!
“They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors. They must learn to stand alone and face the unknown with a simple faith.” How true! How true! A simple faith in themselves is their answer.
“The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish fishes, one swimming upstream and the other downstream, implying the drastic duality of emotions in persons born under this sign. Pisceans apparently are unable to make up their minds. . .They are not combative. Their aversion to struggle often makes them indecisive in thinking and acting. They will generally suffer injury rather than fight for their rights.” Obama is their leader.
Here’s what is going to happen. “When their supply of patience is exhausted, however, they can become so provoked that it is impossible to calm them down. Pisceans can be stubborn and allow no one to reason with them.” Obama’s following doesn’t know it, but they are up a creek without a paddle.
Again, with “on earth as it is in heaven in mind,” you church goers can thank God that we are leaving the Age of Pisces, and while you are at it thank God that we are entering the Age of Aquarius. Under “Aquarius, we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the Planet Uranus rules Aquarus, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. Those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.”
“Aquarians have eccentric temperaments and are determined and stubborn. They sometimes feel that those who are listening to them are unreceptive and incapable of comprehending their ideas, and they tend to become annoyed when people fail to understand them. Then Aquarians argue, and when they do, they stir up opposition from others.”
“There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others.” And so it is that in the twilight of life, I’m on my path of destiny and my life is good.
Oh, and by the way, the United States of America was born under the sign of Aquarius. What do you make of it?