Everyone should write, call and e-mail your senators !
I believe that issues such as fast and furious etc.are purposely confusing clutter to divert us from the biggest threat to our FREEDOM, I believe this is the most serious issue that we are facing ! This is a serious issue that many do not know about.
Obama is planning to ratify five treaties that give away our sovereignty to UN groups. They will give the UN authority over the US, our property rights, and our money.
ONE The Law of the Sea Treaty
This has already been signed, and Obama was going to have Richard Lugar (who was just defeated) help him get it ratified. That's right, a RINO repuplican was going to help Obama give away our sovereignty. This treaty forces us to give the UN half of our royalties from offshore drilling. Then the UN would give that money to whomever they see fit. We would get one vote out of 160 as to where the money goes. And we'd have to give our (offshore) drilling technology to any nation that wants it - free.
TWO Outer Space Code of Conduct
Using the excuse that we can't let space junk build up in space...the EU has persuaded (bet that wasn't hard) Hilary Clinton to negotiate a code of conduct. That code would ban anything that might generate any debris in outer space (littering).
Here's the real deal....to prevent the US from placing anti-missile missiles on platforms in space. That leaves us defenseless from missile attacks by N Korea, Iran, China or whomever. Lefties of all types had a hissy when Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning weapons of defense. Now they're trying to get it back in under a phony-baloney "code of conduct" to prevent littering.
THREE International Criminal Court
Hilary Clinton has reversed Bush's policy and has been negotiating over U.S. Participation in an international court. Euro-leftists who are sponsoring the court are trying to craft a new "crime of aggression"; basically going to war without the approval of the UN. If we go along with that, our president and Cabinet officials can be arrested and prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. Approval. The court could even prosecute our Generals, soldiers or whomever they say was involved at their SOLE DISCRETION. Why does Hilary want to trust the UN to have real power over our president and our military??? Does she trust them? I don't. Do you?
FOUR Rights of the Child
A fourteen member court will be set up for this one. The draft for the treaty dictates that wealthy nations will be obligated to provide monies for housing, clothing, shoes, food, and schooling for kids in poor countries. This would dictate how much foreign aid we'd be obligated for - whether we could afford it or not - regardless of our struggling economy, our debt or whatever. And WE would have NO say in it. Euro-lefties are already using this in England to stop welfare cuts that England cannot afford to maintain...imagine that...Europe is dictating welfare obligations in England.
FIVE Small-arms control
Hilary is about to start negotiating on a global ban on the export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens - so far - but most small-arms deals come from governments, specifically the US, Israel, China, and Russia. The treaty would enforce the requirement that each nation implement measures to STOP the exportation of small arms. It can easily be used to force a national registration of all guns AND ammo.
Liberals and lefties of all types may applaud this, but it's giving up PERMANENTLY large portions of our sovereignty, money, and property rights. It will function as an amendment to our Constitution.
What can we do to stop this? Tell everyone !!! Call your legislators. This is NOT a small matter.
And shame on you , DICK Lugar for assisting Obama ins getting these ratified... You had to go, you traitor; don't let the door hit ya in the ass.
Obama is planning to ratify five treaties that give away our sovereignty to UN groups. They will give the UN authority over the US, our property rights, and our money.
ONE The Law of the Sea Treaty
This has already been signed, and Obama was going to have Richard Lugar (who was just defeated) help him get it ratified. That's right, a RINO repuplican was going to help Obama give away our sovereignty. This treaty forces us to give the UN half of our royalties from offshore drilling. Then the UN would give that money to whomever they see fit. We would get one vote out of 160 as to where the money goes. And we'd have to give our (offshore) drilling technology to any nation that wants it - free.
TWO Outer Space Code of Conduct
Using the excuse that we can't let space junk build up in space...the EU has persuaded (bet that wasn't hard) Hilary Clinton to negotiate a code of conduct. That code would ban anything that might generate any debris in outer space (littering).
Here's the real deal....to prevent the US from placing anti-missile missiles on platforms in space. That leaves us defenseless from missile attacks by N Korea, Iran, China or whomever. Lefties of all types had a hissy when Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning weapons of defense. Now they're trying to get it back in under a phony-baloney "code of conduct" to prevent littering.
THREE International Criminal Court
Hilary Clinton has reversed Bush's policy and has been negotiating over U.S. Participation in an international court. Euro-leftists who are sponsoring the court are trying to craft a new "crime of aggression"; basically going to war without the approval of the UN. If we go along with that, our president and Cabinet officials can be arrested and prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. Approval. The court could even prosecute our Generals, soldiers or whomever they say was involved at their SOLE DISCRETION. Why does Hilary want to trust the UN to have real power over our president and our military??? Does she trust them? I don't. Do you?
FOUR Rights of the Child
A fourteen member court will be set up for this one. The draft for the treaty dictates that wealthy nations will be obligated to provide monies for housing, clothing, shoes, food, and schooling for kids in poor countries. This would dictate how much foreign aid we'd be obligated for - whether we could afford it or not - regardless of our struggling economy, our debt or whatever. And WE would have NO say in it. Euro-lefties are already using this in England to stop welfare cuts that England cannot afford to maintain...imagine that...Europe is dictating welfare obligations in England.
FIVE Small-arms control
Hilary is about to start negotiating on a global ban on the export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens - so far - but most small-arms deals come from governments, specifically the US, Israel, China, and Russia. The treaty would enforce the requirement that each nation implement measures to STOP the exportation of small arms. It can easily be used to force a national registration of all guns AND ammo.
Liberals and lefties of all types may applaud this, but it's giving up PERMANENTLY large portions of our sovereignty, money, and property rights. It will function as an amendment to our Constitution.
What can we do to stop this? Tell everyone !!! Call your legislators. This is NOT a small matter.
And shame on you , DICK Lugar for assisting Obama ins getting these ratified... You had to go, you traitor; don't let the door hit ya in the ass.