The Myth of Collectivism

Why do you think the Tea Party was born? The news that Obamacare is in legal limbo should tell everyone that collectivism is a theory with no substance, and that our elected representatives, after taking an oath that they would protect and defend our Constitution, are proven liars. There has never been a successful collectivist government. People are not natively adaptable. We can be collectively for something but not under the law. Ever since the United States started down the road of collectivism, division has been building. The reason for the Tea Party is as plain as the nose on your face. Elected officials with the power to redistribute the people’s energy are naturally going to favor themselves and their constituents. That’s divisive. We are presently witness to the results. America is currently between a rock and a hard place, with no way out. All answers are the wrong answers. Everyone is going to pay a price. The longer we put off the necessary change, the higher the price. Those in denial are going to pay the highest price.

Those with jobs are going to find their paychecks buying less and less. Small businesses are going to increasingly fail, and along with their failures jobs will disappear. The unemployed are going find their government benefits dwindling. With prices going up on goods and services, Social Security benefits remain the same. That spells less and less goods and services.

The unscrupulous “some kind of a god,” Soros' planned revolution, is beginning to go into full swing. As the American people become more and more desperate, and government answers more and more the lesser of two evils, the ultimate Soros planned answer looming—tyranny—there is but one logical way out of the quagmire. The United States has miserably failed to protect and defend our inalienable rights. If we, the American people, are to keep our God-given rights, the same as the evil-doer Soros, we must look within for our answers.

Speaking from personal experience, when I was between a rock and a hard place I looked within and found the right answers, the same answers America’s pioneers found, the same answers written into our Constitution.

At first, hurtles were placed in my way. The lawless IRS put me on the street. It took a strong will to dare government to take my inalienable right to exist on the fruits of my own labor. I passed the tests. I won that battle, and the war. All Soros and government have are bald-faced lies; I have my spiritual guides. Place your bet on who wins?

Everything in the space-time consortium has a beginning and an end. The physical domain is governed by immutable laws. But in us, first comes the idea, then the possibility, and finally reality. Rather than Soros’ reality, it can just as well be our reality, We don’t know the power that lies within us. The physical begins in the microcosmic world, an incomplete world of infinite possibility with which our minds are connected. We make things happen. By going on my own, miracles occurred. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right.

Jesus said on earth as it is in heaven. Everything he said applies to the miracles I’ve experienced. Jesus said he would return. America was born under the sign of Aquarius. America is a state of mind; it has no place. It is our immaterial essence, our animating principle, the individual’s actuating cause of life, the spiritual principle you can’t take away and replace with a collective soul.

We are at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, an age when brotherhood and fraternity will prevail. I was born Aquarius rising. That means as I grew older I’d become more Aquarian. It happened as predicted. In my forties, I was under pressure to change. At first, the change was frightening. When I became resigned to the change, I looked to a better life ahead. My dream has been fulfilled.

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