A part of fortune, sensitive points in the astrological chart, and representative of worldly success, and as well health, also as to vocation and career, my astrologer, in 1975, told me that the Sun, Moon, and planets lined up to tell him that people working behind my back to bring me harm would pay a price, and to my reward. I’d gone to this astrologer when I made my decision to cut from the herd and go it alone. Those I left behind did not take kindly to my decision. They did what they could to bring harm to me. My astrologer’s prediction came true. “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10). My ex-wife and the IRS lost.
Going it alone was going to sea. I purchased a 37 foot live-aboard sailboat I named Bold Venture and set sail on the South Atlantic. Shortly after going to sea, my greater awareness and insight caused me to sense that my help was needed. I sailed straight to three young people who had been snorkeling over a reef. They got caught in a current and were swept out to sea. You could call it a miracle, or you could say that when needed nature provided me with a more developed intuitive capability. Other such experiences followed. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. When I was on my own, there was no one to look to but God. I was given what I needed to survive, and more: to save other lives.
Until I decided to write my memoirs 26 years after my departure from my old life, I had little idea of what my experiences meant. Writing my memoirs was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. A picture was put in place. For the past nine years, first thing in the morning, I write my thoughts. You are reading this morning’s thoughts.
When my astrological chart was produced and explained, it told of the negatives that had led me to the present. It even explained my departure. It predicted my future. I made good the good that could happen. It was a matter of choice.
When you apply the history of America, my life experiences apply. When I departed, went on my own, I was the pioneer seeking a new identity. America’s pioneers made the future happen. Gradually, the individual’s power has been taken by expanding government. The American people are becoming spineless jellyfish. The Tea Partly is representative of my departure. Our individual wills are being tested. It remains to be seen if we will stay the course.
My part of fortune paid. You could call it coincidence. As for me, there have been too many coincidences to call it coincidence. I should not be here to tell my story. I should have gone down in a storm at sea, in the Bermuda Triangle. I survived. During my two years at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, including my own. The kingdom of God is to be distinguished from the kingdom of heaven. God’s will and my will are one. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, We, the people of the United States . . .do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.
My astrological chart tells me that the most important thing is my life is partnership. I had been married three times. My third wife walked out in April 1980, taking with her half of what we had in the bank. My astrologer predicted it five years earlier. I should have believed him. Two weeks after wife number three walked out, wife number four walked in, when the last thing in the world I wanted was another wife. I asked my bride to be to join me in a hike to nearby Multnomah Falls. I lived in Portland, Oregon. Our date was on May 18, 1980, the day Mt. St. Helens erupted. The top thousand feet of Mt. St. Helens disappeared. What had been a beautiful snow capped cone suddenly changed to an ugly flat top. Beautiful Spirit Lake was no more. The Toutle River valley was laid to waste. The Columbia River channel was blocked. Thousands of acres of timber lay flat on the ground. This scene gave me a mental picture of what my life had been.
A volcanic eruption 40 times as great as the Mt. St. Helen’s eruption occurred 6,000 years ago, and now one of nature’s most beautiful works, Crater Lake, Oregon, this is a comparison of the past with my present life, you might say my part of fortune. God works in mysterious ways.