To anyone who pays the slightest amount of attention to the on-going battle over the debt, debt-ceiling, Paul Ryan's budget proposal vs. Obummer's budget abortion, and the ancillary debates on both sides, it is clear that we have a real problem in this nation...and it goes deeper than the financial crisis we are in.
It should be clear that, in order (just for example) for Chris van Hollen (ranking Senate Democrat) to be able to go on Fox News and distort Paul Ryan's proposal to save Medicare, while at the same time lying through his teeth about the "Affordable Care Act", or ObamaCare, there must be enough people that will bite into this cowpie pudding for it to be worth his time (van Hollen).
With a stack of charts in front of him, and Fox News host Chris Baer asking the questions, (pointedly or not is a matter of debate), van Hollen uses states from the CBO and other government accounting agencies to mis-represent Ryan's proposal, and completely distort what the actual consequences of Obummercare will be.
Paul Ryan had fairly equal time, although van Hollen did an admirable job of talking WAY more than he should, which is one of the tactics of the far-left from time immemorial. Talking-points is all these libs have got, because the actual facts belay their lies, and they know that.
What should be of concern, or at least is to me, is that at the end, after all the distortions, and Ryan not really having the time to counter the slight-of-hand involved in van Hollens "charts" from "actual government accounting agencies"---(let's all move along...nothing to see here...) these two are laughing it up, they after all are just old friends who have "differences of opinion."
"Differences of opinion" that also happen to be "matters of life and death."
Not a laughing matter, in my book. I don't think I would have been as charitable as Ryan, although I somewhat understand the protocols that go with the office.
Screw protocol. These bastards are liars, thieves, and wolves at the door. The only humane thing to do is to get rid of them in the most humane and fastest way possible before they EAT US ALL ALIVE.