From Twitter I learn that Ronald Weich, assistant attorney general for legislative affairs at the DOJ, who once denied reports of ATF gun-running, is leaving his job.
A peculiar thing happened in the Rose Garden. As the President spoke to a large group of reporters, a reporter heckled him. The President fired back, but that didn’t stop the reporter. I don’t recall that ever happening.
Today’s news is appalling. It tells us how powerful the clowns in the Whitehouse are. Actually, this is good to know. It has to do with nature’s Higher Law and America’s Constitution.
The President announced that illegal Mexicans are going to remain in the United States. Sheriff Joe says they will still be arrested. He and I know something most Americans don’t know. Those who read the story of my life, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, are going to learn the potential power of the individual.
When I read my Constitution thirty-eight years ago, I guess like me those same voices of the past spoke to Sheriff Joe. Like Sheriff Joe, I took legal action against the United States on constitutional grounds. Of all the things for the United States to admit on the front page of a major newspaper, we were told that for eleven years, the United States made numerous mistakes against me in the collection of income tax.
The Secretary of the Treasury is responsible for income tax collection. He is a bald-faced liar. He made a mistake in his favor in paying his income tax. This good-for-nothing liar works for the President who calls unconstitutional confiscation of property a mistake. If you or I commit robbery, we go to prison. Obama lawlessly takes our hard earned money and hands it out for votes.
Why should American taxpayers be ordered to support illegal Mexicans? Sheriff Joe ignores the President. The President doesn’t own us. How much power would the President have if every taxpayer in the United States challenged federal income tax on constitutional grounds? When I challenged the frauds, the all-powerful IRS hung itself with its own rope. What took place is all in my book. But more than that, now in the twilight of life, all of my dreams have come true. I wonder how many people in their eighties can say that. Could defending my constitutional rights have had anything to do with my good fortune?