The Socialists/Communists never stop trying to take us all to the Sheering Shed. They want to lower the morals of this nation so that they can gain control and turn us into a nation of sheep. They work right along with the morally challenged on Wall Street and Washington, in direct contradiction to their socialist ideas, so that they can turn this country into a nation of sheep who will go along to get along. They bailed out the big banks, big institutions, and foreign governments but will not bail out the American Homeowner who has lost at least half of their hard earned wealth. Their motto is to heck with the Public. If the Public gets demoralized enough they have a better chance of fully implementing socialism. What those guys on Wall Street don't understand as yet is that they were being used or should I say they were using each other. If the socialists get full control of the government and the John Q. Public throws in the towel it will be doomsday for Wall Street and American Corporations. The Federal Reserve in cooperation with the present and past Congresses have continuously bailed out the Big Money Guys and the Big Corporations. This is an historical fact. So why can't they bail our impoverished home owners? The Socialists, who claim to be the friend of the working class are lieing through their teeth. Once they get control they will impoverish all, i.e., the working stiffs and the working union members not to mention those in the upper economic brackets. We are all being taken for a ride to doomsday. The tricksters are trying once again to pull the wool over the eyes of the public. Every single bailout in the past has been accomplished by scaring the heck out of everyone but the bottom line is that the taxpayer was fleeced. The taxpayers work hard to support their own fleecing to the benefit of the Big Money Boys and the Socialists are cheering the process right along knowing or rather believing that they will end up in the cat bird seat once the fleecing has attained its end, i.e., the destruction of America, the destruction of the Capitalist System which has given this nation a terrific standard of living and the destruction of the Public's will to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and keep on trucking. Their hope and their goal is to achieve the surrender of the Public to Socialism and they could care less with whom they have to cooperate with in order to achieve that goal. Capitalism for its part has allowed dishonest, morally challenged and corrupt people to steer itself to its ultimate demise. And they don't care if they and the entire nation is headed down the tubes as long as they can get very, very wealthy along the way. The Public Be Damned! Ultimately, this disgusting, corrupt and anti-God behavior can only be solved and resolved by the Public. When the Public awakens from their long sleep of 100 years and demands that their best interests be attended to since they are the hard working taxpayers who make the real sacrifices that make this nation prosperous, then will most of our debt problems, poverty problems, moral problems and a litany of injustices imposed and burdened on the backs of the Public be resolved. When will this happen? It will happen when the Public kneels before our Merciful and Generous Creator and asks for forgiveness and enlightenment in the same order as Soloman did when he prayed for understanding and wisdom. The more we ignore God, our glorious and wonderful Creator, the more we will be sheered by Wall Street, the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve. If we were smart we would adore, honor and praise our God who created us and loves us to no end. He is always waiting to hear from us if we would be smart and wise enough to knock on His Door in a spirit of humility and obedience.
Louis, here is an informed web site that you might be interested in.
We are trying to break the code, and determine who are the global puppet masters.
A brief synopsis:
Daily Bell: Is central banking the engine that drives the elites' increasingly global governance?
Edwin Vieira, Jr: So far it has been. Which leads one to expect that, with the imminent collapse of the Federal Reserve System as the de facto world central bank, the "elitists" will now attempt to set up a de jure world central bank independent of every particular country's laws.
Daily Bell: Can you see in American history a pattern of increasing centralization of money and political authority – power drained from the states. Is this simply coincidence?
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