Before you read this, please read, under “Congressional Ignorance and Self-Importance,” at the bottom of the comments, Charlie Reese’s offering on tax. Charlie was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel.
I made it my business to study the law on federal income tax for a purpose: to force the makers and keepers of the income tax to eat crow. Mission accomplished.
Biologist Julian Huxley, in his essay The Future of Man, asserted: “Man’s exploration and control of external nature has outdone his exploration and control of his own nature.” Exactly! We learn that in the Picean’s nature, although Pisceans want desperately to do the right thing, they do not have strong will power. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.
We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. We learn that Aquarians are strong willed. They dislike hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. They are not dependent on their environments for their security.
I happen to be blessed with the Aquarian nature. I made the makers and keepers of the income tax eat crow. Nobody jumped for joy. The purpose of the income tax is to make your lives secure. The majority voted for this. Otherwise, we would not be paying tax on our incomes.
Something went awry. Please give me some feedback.
The current system serves the Administrators, POTUS, Congress, et aL, well.
Now, we must teach them that it is time for them to serve US.
The movement is in but its infancy. We are barely learning to walk. We will still stumble and fall, but we must not let that get us down.
Infants grow, and so must we.