The Question of God

After hearing Obama say he supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s position of Israel giving back the last of the occupied territory they took in the 6 day war with Islam (they already gave back to Egypt the biggest part of what they won in the war), and hearing Netanyahu, Israel’s head honcho say, “it isn’t going to happen,” I’m forced to ask the religious, since you cannot possibly know a supernatural god, how do you determine what God wants?  It appears that Barack Hussein wants what his Kenyan father wanted.  At any rate, no other American president has wanted what Barack wants for America, which brings me to ask what America wants.


People of all faiths live in peace in Israel. They don’t want a change.  Why should Americans want a change?  The conflict in which Obama has taken sides,  religious and based on a supernatural god that can be anything the perpetrators want God to be, for instance, Obama’s god, for collective salvation, which happens to be what the Muslim Brotherhood wants—they can argue about their differences after their common enemy, Israel, is gone—after  the United States of America is gone, too; after the world is a “global village,”  one big social welfare state sharing and sharing alike, under the force of Sharia law. Wonderful!  I’m so happy to know that we will all be sharing equally in hopeless poverty while Barack Hussein jets around the world showing toothy smiles,  throwing lavish parties, and plays golf.    


How do you like, Barack’s idea of going back in time, worshiping a supernatural god you cannot possibly know, who commands through special earthbound representatives with great power.  The prophet Mohammad was one. He forced a nine year-old girl to marry him.  In the United States, we call it pedophilia.  As if it were God’s will, Muslim men still practice pedophilia.  To the majority of Muslim men, women have few if any rights, and yet dare to call the United States “the Great Satin.”   


If God created man with reason and logic, why would man act in such disgraceful, inhuman ways?  Clearly, it is because the supernatural god can be anything man says god is.  And we the people are on the Yellow Brick Road. It amazes me.  The world, either believing in no god or in a supernatural god, is consistenely being led into war by egomaniacs like Obama. How could the masses be so bewitched?


The cutting edge of science has smuggled God into physics, has scientifically proven God,  yet less than one-tenth or one percent of the world’s population knows what science has now proven about God.  In In The Physics of Consciousness by quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, we read that the independence of matter and the absoluteness of space is false dogma.  Last night on the History Channel backing this notion, I was informed that science has optically observed that the entire universe is a connected fabric.  The astonishing fact is that the same exists in the microcosmic.  Science has developed its own creed, thus tormenting the religious orthodoxy. 


Too bad about the fact that science is proving beyond question that we exist as something more than matter.  On the History Channel, we learned last night that not only is Earth in the right location in the solar system for life as we know it to exist, but also in our galaxy in the right location. Life as we know it is something uncommon.  So why waste it?


The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality does not exist.  So what’s that you say, Obama? What this means is that science has proven Marxism is unnatural, has never, and can never succeed.  The observer interacts with matter. Science now has the instruments to fit the universe into a tapestry of reality, reminding me that in James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh—“As a being of power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills”—science has now proven man’s will is the fundamental reason we are here.


To Christians I would point out that in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter 2, beginning with the Visit of the Magi, “came wise men from the east,” Persian astrologers following the Star of Bethlehem to worship the “King of the Jews”—mind you, not the religion, no way—Jesus had a problem with the religion, he turned over the money changers’ tables, the source of the priests’ wealth.  Unbelievably, a murderer, Barabbas, was turned lose, we find. Jesus took his place on the cross. Why? The priests, no question about it, were responsible for the torture and death of Jesus.  So what else is new?  They turn it around and make us feel guilty.


To continue, turning to Chapter 6 in Matthew, we learn that in his Sermon on the Mount Jesus said, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kindom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.”  Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.  . .”  Where is heaven? We assume he meant the kingdom of God, distinguished from the kingdom of heaven, is internal. We assume that while “in earth and in heaven,” our souls immortal, we better look within if we know what’s good for us.  For who knows better, Obama, the priesthood, or you and I?  I’ll take scientific proof. As a matter of fact, scientific proof matches what ancient Persian and Indian sages said: so is the microcosmic, so is the macrocosmic.


After thinking on all of the above, and acting, if my life could be any better, I don’t know how.  I assume that my thoughts are what brought me my good life.  I’m finding that many agree with me.  What did I say? There is no such thing as objectivity. You don’t look to the orthodoxy, my friends. You look within for God and guidance.



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