The real Tea party

I was a huge supporter at first of the tea party but not so sure anymore. I thought this stood for people standing up for our constitutional rights and make sure washignton did the same. I am a republican who is tired of seeing our rights and our tax money dissapear.

This movement should have been about showing washington we the people have a right to representation and when we are not heard we should and would vote people in to office that will listen. Washington is spend happy with no payments into their own social security or healthcare and high salaries but the rest of us are left worried that we will have to work unti lwe are 80 and pray no one in our family gets sick bc we cant afford the health care. Washington needs to cut salaries go back look at the 16th amendment and if it truely was not fully ratified install a constututional flat tax. The money to pays for roads schools and local goverment is their in the everyday taxes we have but we the people should stop funding salaries and a plush lifestyle for those who dont or wount represent us.

Look at healthcare both parties fight with oneanother on who is right and in the mean time we all lose. jobs are out sourced b/c healthcare companies are trying to save money and opperate more efficiently which they have the right to do. why dont they focus on the cost of the care? look at how a standardization of cost from hospital stays to giving birth range from 2000-15,000 if you cut it to a regualar flat amount healthcare companies would spend less our cost of the premiums and the care its self would be allot less and caregivers would know what they will be getting and have more effiencent offices and expected payroll. We would not need the debate on socialized medicine. Shouldnt the tea party find somone to step up speak to the average american and say this is what we will get done. But you say the democrats wount play ball or even some repeblcians?? Well I have a solution go to the media explaine the plan and the costs and cuts and tell them american its time stand up give you're congressman and senator the message just give us what we want...NO what we deserve or go find another job. The men and wemon who use to run for office ran because they wanted to make a difference where are they now??

Lastly I know immegration is a hot buttom issue but people please this country was founded solely on imigrants. it was built with the blood and sweat of people who wanted to come here to make a better liviing for themselves and their families. They had no sense of entitelment they just showed up and said just give us a chance, and it worked. We here in this country have people with a unique sense of pride for what our Irish,Scottish,German,Italian,Armenian,Russian,Chinese,japanese ect familes did when they got here. The people from mexico and cuba and all the other places want and deserve the same things. Now that being said border security is essential to keep out the horrid drugs and guns that pass thru but we can come up with somethign surely that recognizes these people just want what all of us here now have.. A chance at just a better life. Do they take Jobs of course they do but they also create jobs. With more people working for a lower wage than you or I get more stores, restaurants, farms will open the price for services go downs as new and more quality products are produced here in America.

I beg of anyone in the tea party to just simply ask you're selves what is it to be american. To me its about a voice. Giveing a voice to those who came and built this contry who gave the greatest sacrafice to fight for what we have now. its about whats written on the slatue of liberty. Its about fredom to worship how you want to and not to demonize anyone for the actions of a few. This is just an open letter from a married catholic republican father of soon to be three and I hope it really it just heard. This party has a unique chance to recapture what our founding fathers envisioned. If not for us here and now then for our kids and grandchildren. I want my kids to grow up learn about our contry and feel proud of what we did as I do and to also feel proud of what we are doing for eachother now which I have great hopes for.

Thank you.

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  • It is am american answer and I think I Will now thats the first thing you have said that makes sense. It's funny you hope to go to a web page devoted to a party that is always saying we believe in the constitution and what it stands for but all you find is people who when you strip all of the battle crys and slogans they resemble a mob of intolerant uncooperative and in american.all they care about is being right and louder than everyone else and invoking patriotism when it fits their argument. But when reason and rationale is said they are not americans. Let me make one last point. Whar is it when you respond to a blog about what is going wrong with the country and post youre views that highlight that very reason? Irony I am not muslim and its sad people who are truely patriotic and love what this country use to and can stand for again have to spend time defending themselves bc the other person has only ignorance to fight with. I will fight for youre right to sassy what you feel but I have a right to point out hypocrisy thats all.
  • Oh ok I get it now. Wow I bet alex jones would love to hear this story. I checked and there is no bill giving sharia law over the constitution or in any sense. I am truely sorry I joined the tea party it seems to be full of people who want to ignore what the constitution was ment for and replace it with vote way far right or we wil all be killed. Why not strip them of holding office make them wear something like a star our another symbol then put them on trains to camps......yes I hope you see where this is going and thats the can't let fear and intolerance rule or it gets out of hand fast. Our founding fathers knew this many saw what was happenung in europe the protestants and catholics killing eachother the people being oppressed by a ruler who was more concerned with getting rich off taxes removing land owners rights making only certain people have the right to vote..sounding anything like you know. I do hope most people read this and see this not as a christian or jewish or muslim view but an american view.
  • if you can give me that bill please do. I have read a few that were introduced from a republican in Tenn but its an anit sharia law bill. I have been unable to find anything. If that is true and the bill is saying its allowing sharia law and our reps vote then we do need to speak up on that. It would be unconstituional to allow laws like that.
  • bickering sorry i am new at using these ipads.
  • Thats the point of the blog. WHAT HAPPENED to AMRICA. STop the two party bivkering and actually find a common middle ground thats the point. Uphold the constitution and our laws built around it.
  • I agree with Phil DiJoseph as he so pleasantly put everything into good context. I could not have said it better. One thing more politicians have sold out our country to the United Nations. They are controlling us. We have to stop selling out our country. Bring manufacturing business's back to America. We also need to stop this green movement and monopolization of big corporate business that has killed our small business's which feeds our economy and for local government controll over our utility cost which feeds their retriement funds forever. Marksist Socialism is taking place along with democrats for monopolized corporate business's. They want to controll the majority of Americans. Middle class was growing getting to smart and to rich for them so they took them out. The government has made schools a place for drugs, couch potatoes & parent haters with socialistic views. This is like you said for their "Fame, Greed & Lifetime Employeement." If you have children Home School them they'll respect you and have intelegence beyond your imagination. Good Luck America we have alot of hard work to get to where we should be rather then where we are.
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