The following information was sent to me by a friend, and looks credible enough for me to post it here, knowing that my friend is an impeccable researcher.
It appears, as many of us have suspected, that the rules of the road really never change; Scare the hell out of p eople to accomplish your goals, and what you hope to accomplish becomes much easier. Such as it is with this post. We face an incredible amount of danger in this world, made much worse by Obama, and on purpose. If there is alternative information, let's hear it...if not, then this will stand on it's own.
Sunday, September 11, 2011Obama cries 9 11 WolfWhen AP ran a story by Matt Apuzzo, basically exposing that the Obama regime lied about the terror threat on 9 11 which was terrorizing Americans on the east coast with talk of dirty bombs and bombs on trains, this blog decided to backtrack this from source in how the meanderings of this all turned out to be another quite dispicable Barack Obama assault on America, which by Mr. Apuzzo's blunt piece points to at least one reporter who was disgusted with this fraud. Sep 10, 2:11 PM EDT AP sources: No sign of US entry for terror plot What caught my attention was the person who seemed to be driving this Obama planted story was the AP radio anchor of Tim Maguire, a southern morning drive by who apparently constructed propaganda so lucrative in Florida that it landed him in the little big show of AP, and in Mockingbird Obama fabrications was chief Jay Carney propagandist spreading what tracked back directly to a plotted White House operation. This becomes interesting as this unfolds, as it starts with former military intelligence spook Leon Panetta, who took over Obama's CIA and created a catastrophe, and by screaming about bin Laden's corpse being murdered, got hisself as head of the Pentagon. It was Panetta who took the world tour of the 9 11 crater who kicked off the hysteria in the first AP posting on September 6th, at 9:24 PM by Robert Burns: NEW YORK (AP) -- After a decade of war with al-Qaida the potential for another devastating terrorist assault "remains very real," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Tuesday following a somber visit to ground zero of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. After Panetta blew into New York and terrified Mayor Bloomberg things started rolling from the White House in these "unnamed officials" from Obama feeding this bogus terror threat. Pauline Jelenik on September 7th at 2:07 PM filed a report that Panetta had upped the threat level, and it was Jay Carney sent out to stoke the hysteria. The White House said that there have been no specific, credible threats of a terrorist attack tied to the anniversary and that the Obama administration will remain vigilant through the anniversary and beyond. President Barack Obama held a meeting Tuesday in the White House Situation Room with senior members of his homeland security team to ensure that all necessary measures and precautions are being taken in advance of the 9/11 anniversary, said spokesman Jay Carney. Note there is no threat on September 7th, and that the Pentagon was dismissing all of this as hysteria. Pentagon spokesman George Little said Wednesday that the boost in the so-called "force protection" level at U.S. military bases also was not due to any specific or credible information about any threat or planned attack. This all changes 24 hours later on September 8th, at 3:58 PM eastern time, as an unnamed propagandist at AP files a report that Janet Naps Napolitano is now contradicting the Pentagon after her September 7th meeting with Obama at the White House with this quote: WASHINGTON (AP) -- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said there is "a lot of chatter" around the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but there is no information about a specific threat. By 8:20 AM, on September 9th, Vice President Biden was on NBC's Today program and feeding to AP, that the Napolitano chatter has now become real intelligence: WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden says authorities on alert for a Sept. 11 anniversary terror threat are more worried about "a lone actor" with a bomb than an extremely complicated plot like the airliner attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon. Biden says new information about a possible plot for a car bombing in Washington or New York comes from a "credible source" but isn't confirmed. Biden says there's "no certitude." He says the government is doing everything possible to guard against any attack, and "all hands are on deck." Now we see the first instance of the Obama cries 9 11 Wolf, in Biden has been rehearsed in this from the White House to plant the story to create terror in American's minds. We know from reporter Apuzzo that what Biden told the world was a complete lie, and by the tone of Appuzzo's article, the real intelligence people are furious over this wag the dog propaganda scaring Americans that Obama fed to select Mockingbird press to be picked up by other outlets which made it to Drudge.The step then from Biden's "credible" which it was not, to "certainty" now becomes the story of real terrorists on the loose with bombs on the east coast. Jay Carney at 11:32 AM on September 9th, just a few hours after Biden lied to America, now lies to America in terrorizing the Citizens in a new threat is a reality, but hero Obama is stinking to plans in not being intimidated, as Biden has all hands desperately fighting this terror invasion. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says a terror threat against New York and Washington remains credible but unconfirmed and President Barack Obama has no plans to change his plans to travel to ground zero. Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that Obama was briefed again about the threat Friday morning before heading to an economic event in Richmond, Va. The president told his top security advisers to ensure that all necessary precautions were being taken ahead of Sunday's 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. So we now have Obama briefed again, about what Biden is blathering about and as constructed all hell starts breaking loose.Just one hour, ONE HOUR after Carney throws gas on what Biden spewed out, in Colleen Long at 12:33 PM posted a most interesting researched report for something which just happened a few hours previously. I place the names of the other AP Obama propagandists as credited with these terror reporting as AP lists them and they deserve full credit as Obamites. *Associated Press writers Samantha Gross, Beth Fouhy, Chris Hawley and Amanda Barrett in New York, and Eric Tucker and Jessica Gresko in Washington contributed to this report. Once again, New Yorkers dealt with an ominous-sounding report of a possible threat against the city by taking it in stride. To them, the inconveniences of snarled traffic, bridge checkpoints and train station bag searches have become routine. U.S. officials said Thursday that they were chasing a credible but unconfirmed al-Qaida threat to use a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York or Washington. In several reports featured to terrorized east coast Americans this one is typical of what the regime was initiating in the public's mind:In Washington, one rail rider was more frightened. Maria Rothman tried to take an early morning Amtrak train to Philadelphia, hoping it would be a less inviting target, although she wound up missing it. "I embrace as a concept you got to go ahead and live your life," she said, "except that it's hard." By 3:46 PM, Lolita Bandour, again like Janet Napolitano who initiated this terror fraud for Obama, right before the 5 pm eastern news slot, posted this about the Pentagon ceremony darkened by the terror threat. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told the crowd that violent extremism remains a deadly threat, and "we are dealing with their threats as we speak." This then fed in as intended the entire September 10th hysteria from the dirty bombs, bombers from overseas using American documents, graduating to Americans as the real terrorists, to the final heroic scene of Obama and the wife playing in a graveyard, urging not the memory of those who died on September 11th, but communist organized service on this day as Obama initiated first on September 11th, 2009. Obama urges service, unity on 9/11 anniversary
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Summoning the nation to unity and service, President Barack Obama paid tribute to America's resilience and the sacrifice of its war dead Saturday as the country prepared to mark 10 long years since the horrors of 9/11. A day before the anniversary commemorations, the president made a pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery, strolling with his wife, Michelle, among graves filled with dead from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. And he invoked the common purpose that arose from carnage a decade ago in telling Americans that the nation cannot be broken by terrorism "no matter what comes our way." Obama also visited a soup kitchen, where he and his family helped prepare trays of gumbo for the needy in the nation's capital, underscoring the call to national service that rang so loudly after the terrorist attacks You thought I was kidding you didn't you, when I said the Obama's were playing in a cemetery and there the AP confirms it, the Obama's take a stroll among the dead.What normal people would do such a thing? So there you have the Barack Hussein Obama's children story of 9 11 as scripted by Mr. Obama, Mrs. Obama, Val-erie Jarrett, David Plouffe, Joe Biden, Jay Carney as narrator and a cast of Associated Press propagandists, all wrapped up in a soup kitchen national communist day FOCUSED ON BELOVED LEADER, and not the dead for the past decade. This kind of sadistic manipulation should have this group of terrorists arrested, as that is what this is, is cruel, inhumane terrorism. There never was a real threat and the Obama regime instead scared the hell out of Americans by crying fire in this crowded theater. Those are the facts of Obama crying 9 11 Wolf. agtG |