I don’t believe in war. It’s irrational. We all lose. If I’m forced into war, I’m in it to win, whatever it takes. If I’m forced into war, I’m not my brother’s keeper. The only rule is kill or be killed. What are we doing in Afghanistan? How has it protected us? We are spending money we don't have and sacrificing American lives.
The United States has not won a war since World War II. U.S. leadership has taken the position of world police force. The U. S. has appointed itself to make the rules. What makes others play by U.S. rules? We note that others play by their rules. We the people pay a terrible price. Under the law of all times, the individual sets the standard by which he lives. What has the United States accomplished by setting standards for the world?
America’s Constitution is based on personal responsibility and self-reliance. The United States has taken upon itself, with certain ideas of fairness in mind, to make itself, unconstitutionally, a redistribution force, as to the nation’s sweat, and more lately in the redistribution of free speech. We are being reeducated to think no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil, good and evil being in the eyes of the authorities. The same as in other nations, we Americans are consciously aware that the United States, drunk with power and promoting war, it is time to stand and be counted. Mankind's enemy is at the U.S. helm.
Jesus said we should beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He said we should turn the other cheek and go the extra mile, but he also said you can’t serve two masters. Is that hard to understand? A Christian accused me of being a secular humanist. A secular humanist is someone who promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine, which explains both Christians and secular humanists. Jesus was not a Christian.
A Christian is someone promoting religious doctrine, using Jesus. A Muslim is someone promoting religious doctrine, using Mohammad. Muslims are in a holy war (holy war taking on different intensities) against all who don’t accept their religious doctrine; the United States in police action against “enemy combatants.” It is all a play on words. So what if I don’t accept religious doctrine or anyone dictating the rules! It does not change the fact that it is people killing other people, the definition of war, unless you happen to be a self-appointed rule maker. Rule makers are magicians. They turn dung hills into rose gardens, whatever it takes to make their noble ends everyone’s reality. Bible thumpers tell me I misinterpret the Bible. So why don’t we all get along? We are not created with hive mentality.
I’ve been giving you the latest scientific understanding of creation. Without consciousness nothing would exist. Humanity is apart from lower life forms with greater conscious awareness. If you choose to be a lower form of life, jump through authority’s hoops, it is your choice. It isn’t my choice.