What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Human Events-By Michelle Malkin-On June 24, 2011:
“With great fanfare and elite media sympathy, Jose Antonio Vargas publicly declared himself an “undocumented immigrant” this week.
“Undocumented” my you-know-what. In the felony-friendly pages of The New York Crimes—er, Times—the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist turned illegal-alien activist spilled the beans on all the illegal IDs he amassed over the years. He had documents coming out of his ears.
The Times featured full-color photos of Vargas’ fake document trove—including a fake passport with a fake name, a fake green card and a Social Security card his grandfather doctored for him at a Kinko’s. He committed perjury repeatedly on federal I-9 employment eligibility forms. In 2002, while pursuing his journalism career goals, an immigration lawyer told him he needed to accept the consequences of his law-breaking and return to his native Philippines.
Following the rules would have meant a 10-year bar to reentry into America.
Making false claims of citizenship is a felony offense. Document fraud is a felony offense.
Vargas, who frames himself as a helpless victim, freely chose instead to secure yet more dummy documents. He used a friend’s address to obtain an Oregon driver’s license under false pretenses. It gave him an eight-year golden ticket to travel by car, board trains and airplanes, work at prestigious newspapers, and even gain access to the White House—where crack Secret Service agents allowed him to attend a state dinner using his bogus Social Security number.
At least Vargas tells the truth when he says he’s not alone. Go visit a 7-11 in the D.C. suburbs. Or the countless vendors in MacArthur Park in East L.A. Or any of the 19 cities in 11 states from Massachusetts to Ohio to Kentucky where a massive, Mexico-based “highly sophisticated and violent” fraudulent-document trafficking ring operated until February 2011.
“Undocumented workers” and “undocumented immigrants” have plenty of documents.
The persistent use of these open-borders euphemisms to describe Vargas and countless millions like him is a perfect illumination of the agenda-driven, dominant progressive media.
They’re as activist inside their newsrooms as Vargas is out in the open now.
Bleeding-heart editors were hoaxed by a prominent colleague, exposed to liability, and yet still champion his serial subversion of the law.
San Francisco Chronicle editor Phil Bronstein bragged that he was “duped” by Vargas, but endorses his “subterfuge”because Vargas’ lobbying campaign for the illegal-alien student bailout known as the DREAM Act “just might lubricate the politically tarred-up wheels of government and help craft sane immigration policy.”
Who’s insane?
The Vargas deceit is not an object lesson about America’s failure to show compassion. It’s another stark reminder of America’s dangerous failure to learn from 9/11.
Time and again, security experts have warned about how jihadists have exploited lax immigration and ID enforcement.
Driver’s licenses are gateways into the American mainstream. They allow residents to establish an identity and gain a foothold into their communities. They help you open bank accounts, enter secure facilities, board planes, and do things like drive tractor-trailers carrying hazardous materials.
It’s been nearly 10 years since several of the 19 9/11 hijackers operated in the country using hundreds of illicitly obtained fake driver’s licenses and IDs.
Most states tightened licensing rules, yet Vargas easily obtained a driver’s license not only in Oregon, but more recently in Washington State. He again used a friend’s residence to pass muster. Washington State’s licensing bureaucracy still does not check citizenship.
The man sitting in the White House campaigned to keep driver’s license laws as loose as possible for the open-borders lobby. He appointed illegal-alien lobbyists to top federal immigration positions. His head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement just signed a memo pushing the DREAM Act through by administrative fiat. And the privacy of illegal aliens still trumps national security.
I ask again: Who’s insane?
Vargas believes his sob story is an argument for giving up on immigration enforcement and passing a mass amnesty.
It’s a sob story, all right. Homeland security officials across the country should be weeping at the open mockery Vargas and his enablers have made of the law.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. DREAM Act Implemented Through Executive ICE Memo!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Human Events-By Katie Pavlich-On June 26, 2011:
“According to our friends over at HotAir.com, the DREAM Act has been rammed through by an ICE Executive Memo despite its rejection by Congress and the American people twice.
A memo written by ICE Director John Morton and sent to all agents in charge, chief counsel, office directors and special agents, states ICE doesn't have enough resources to deal with illegal immigrants who happen to be students, and therefore, they should have less of a chance of deportation due to the criteria used when making decisions about who will be deported known as "prosecutorial discretion." According the the ICE memo:
“One of ICE's central responsibilities is to enforce the nation's civil immigration laws in coordination with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Citizenship and . Immigration Services(USCIS). ICE, however, has limited resources to remove those illegally in the United States. ICE must prioritize the use of its enforcement personnel, detention space, and removal assets to ensure that the aliens it removes represent, as much as reasonably possible, the agency's enforcement priorities, namely the promotion of national security, border security, public safety, and the integrity ofthe immigration system. These priorities are outlined in the ICE Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities memorandum of March 2, 2011, which this memonmdum is intended to support.
Because the agency is confronted with more administrative violations than its resources can address, the agency must regularly exercise "prosecutorial discretion" ifit is to prioritize its efforts. In basic terms, prosecutorial discretion is the authority of an agency charged with enforcing a law to decide to what degree to enforce the law against a particular individual. ICE, like anyother law enforcement agency, has prosecutorial discretion and may exercise"it in the ordinary course of enforcement1.
When ICE favorably exercises prosecutorial discretion, it essentially decides not to assert the full scope of the enforcement authority available to the agency in a given case.
Criteria Considered, note the bolded lines:
Factors to Consider When Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion
When weighing whether an exercise of prosecutorial discretion may be warranted for a given alien, ICE officers, agents,and attorneys should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to
•the agency's civil immigration enforcement priorities; •the person's length of presence in the United States, with particular consideration given to presence while in lawful status;
•the circumstances of the person's arrival in the United States and the manner of his or her entry, particularly if the alien came to the United States as a young child;
•the person's pursuit of education in the United States, with particular consideration given to those who have graduated from a U.S. high school or have successfully pursued or are pursuing a college or advanced degrees at a legitimate institution of higher education in the United States;
•whether the person, or the person's immediate relative,has served in the U.S. military, reserves, or national guard, with particular consideration given to those who served in combat;
•the person's criminal history, including arrests, prior convictions, or outstanding arrest warrants;
•the person's immigration history, including any prior removal, outstanding order of removal, prior denial o f status, or evidence o f fraud;
•whether the person poses a national security or public safety concern;
•the person's ties and contributions to the community, including family relationships;
•the person's ties to the home country and condition~in the country;
•the person's age, with particular consideration given to minors and the elderly;
•whether the person has a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, child, or parent;
•whether the person is the primary caretaker o f a person with a mental or physical disability, minor, or seriously ill relative;
•whether the person or the person's spouse is pregnant or nursing;
•whether the person or the person's spouse suffers from severe mental or physical illness;
•whether the person's nationality renders removal unlikely;
•whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as a relative of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
•whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as an asylum seeker, or a victim of domestic violence, human-trafficking, or other crime; .and
•whether the person is currently cooperating or has cooperated with federal, state or local law enforcement authorities, such as ICE, the U.S Attorneys or Department of Justice, the Department of Labor, or National Labor Relations Board, among others.
This list is not exhaustive and no one factor is determinative. ICE officers, agents, and attorneys should always consider prosecutorial discretion on a case-by-case basis. The decisions should be based on the totality of the circumstances, with the goal of conforming to ICE's enforcement priorities.
There you have it folks. The DREAM Act, rejected by Congress, would have given those in the country illegally, brought here by their parents who broke U.S. immigration law, U.S. citizenship so long as they go to college or join the military. Despite Congressional rejection and the rejection by the American people, the DREAM Act has been enacted by a process of ICE agents deciding who should and should not be deported on a case-by-case basis rather than equally under the law. As usual, Congress doesn't matter and the opinion of the American people doesn't matter to the Obama Administration. If you're here illegally, so long as you go to college or join the military, you're good to go.
Maybe a better question to ask would be: What criteria actually gets an illegal immigrant deported? Since there seems to be so many exceptions to the breaking the law by entering the U.S. without permission.
This also brings up the question of what exactly the priorities of ICE are if deportations are determined on a case-by-case basis? If the federal government would secure the border to keep more illegal immigrants from entering the country in the first place, ICE wouldn't have to "prioritize" deportations due to a lack of resources. Until the border is secure, the problem is just going to get worse.
Charles Krauthammer while talking with Fox News' Chris Wallace called the move lawless:
“This is outright lawlessness on the part of the administration,” argued syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on a discussion panel with Fox News’ anchor Chris Wallace. “Whatever the politics of this, we do have a Constitution. And under it, the Legislature, the Congress enacts the laws and the executive executes them. It doesn’t make them up.
“The DREAM Act was rejected by Congress,” Krauthammer continued. “It is now being enacted by the executive, despite the express will of the Congress. That is lawless. It may not be an explicit executive order; it’s an implicit one.”
Read the memo here.
II. Obama Administration Stresses ‘Discretion’ in Deporting Illegal Aliens!-Posted on CNSNews.com-BySusan Jones-On June 20, 2011:
III. More Evidence Surfaces: Obama's Unlawful Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!-Posted on Americans For Legal Immigration-On June 27, 2011:
IV. Black Activists Criticize Jesse Jackson on Voting Rights!-Posted on The Center For Public Policy Research-On June 22, 2011:
V. 64,000 Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Being Investigated in New Mexico!-Posted on CNSNews.com-BySusan Jones-On June 15, 2011:
VI. Former Intelligence Agent: Terror Group Hezbollah Has Infiltrated Our Southern Border!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 6, 2011:
VII. The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
New World Order By Executive Order!
Is “Illegal Immigration” Illegal?
How the “Illegal Immigration” issue affects our everyday lives!
Backsliding On National Security: The Immigration Connection!
ICE Agents Vote ‘No Confidence’ in Leaders!
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico!
Massive Voter Fraud-Again!
Court overturns Arizona’s proof of citizenship requirement for voter registration!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!