Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for America is that they might be saved. This was the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel as found in Romans 10:1. I've obviously changed "Israel" to "America" here to reflect the burden of my own heart. (Please note that I'm in no way trying to change Scripture here, which is why I italicized the word. I'm simply trying to show that, as Paul was burdened for his nation, so am I burdened for mine.) I was deeply disappointed by last week's election results, but I cannot say that I was surprised. There's a part of me that watched in disbelief as the results unfolded. While my mind screamed "how can the majority of our country vote for a man whose policies have so obviously failed, who has driven such a wedge in our country, and who stands up for sin and against what is good?" my heart knew the answer. It's found in Romans 1:28: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." If you'll read the verses leading up to this one, you'll find that they have "America" written all over them. These verses speak of how, when the people knew God, they didn't glorify Him as God, but became lifted up with pride in themselves, professing themselves to be wise. Does this sound like many of our educated crowd today, who by and large deny God? They then changed the incorruptible image of God into images like unto man, birds, and beasts, and began to worship the creature more than the Creator. Does this remind anyone of the environmentalists groups of today? It was from there that they got into homosexuality. It seems needless for me to point out that this is a huge issue today. So to me, these verses paint a perfect picture of what's been going on in America.
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