This is alarming to me that some believe Fox is the "fair and balanced they claim to be . Nothing could be farther from the truth .
We have been conditioned to believe this garbage by the GOP and Fox . Just days after Obama took office Rupert Murdoch and Rodger Ailes met with Obama in the White House . "Immediately" after the meeting every thing Obama was now "brilliant" ," the greatest orator " ad nauseam ..
Glenn Beck was now hamstrung , as was Hannity and Orielly with giving any truth at all with the legitimacy issue's . When the Saudi's own a good portion of the Fox channel we will hear what they want us to hear .
They however are better than the rest but not on the issue's that are of the most important ! The worst of the lot is Orielly stating that he has seen the proof of Obama's legitimacy yet he has """never""" told us of the evidence he's seen . Do you believe him ?? I don't for a second ! So who do we trust ? How about Andrew Breitbart or Sheriff Arpeio and many more of unquestionable character ? Perception is reality I guess . Fox ? Think again !
This is alarming to me that some believe Fox is the "fair and balanced they claim to be . Nothing could be farther from the truth .
We have been conditioned to believe this garbage by the GOP and Fox . Just days after Obama took office Rupert Murdoch and Rodger Ailes met with Obama in the White House . "Immediately" after the meeting every thing Obama was now "brilliant" ," the greatest orator " ad nauseam ..
Glenn Beck was now hamstrung , as was Hannity and Orielly with giving any truth at all with the legitimacy issue's . When the Saudi's own a good portion of the Fox channel we will hear what they want us to hear .
They however are better than the rest but not on the issue's that are of the most important ! The worst of the lot is Orielly stating that he has seen the proof of Obama's legitimacy yet he has """never""" told us of the evidence he's seen . Do you believe him ?? I don't for a second ! So who do we trust ? How about Andrew Breitbart or Sheriff Arpeio and many more of unquestionable character ? Perception is reality I guess . Fox ? Think again !