thank you all for your response to my post about a thrid party and to get rid of the speaker. I hear what you have all said, however, the republican party is not ready to change to many rhinos who are locked into the good our party, ear marks, perks, no guts, no leadership and no prinicples. I do not care how you all see it, the republicans broke their promise to the voters who put them in power, Just like brown in mass, has done being the vote to get obama care through. Than there are snow and collins who are republicans however vote democratic 90% of the time. We need a house cleaning because nothing will change. A third party would turn everything upside down, but if we put good candidates that are truly conservatives in office than the third party will take the place of the republican party. The republican party is dead, they rolled over on the 2011 budget on friday night, they will roll over on increasing the debit level and they will run away from ryan's 2012 budget. The republicans in charge now, the rhinos do not have within their guts to draw a line in the sand and say this it it. The speaker had them over a barrel and he cave, he does not understand the american people want an end to the spending, what is he waiting for the usa to owned by china. I can here it now, the debit level needs to be increase or the usa will be in default and the speaker and the other republicans will vote to increase the debit limit to save the country. They do not understand we are bankrupted, do not have the money, we are now spend 42 cents of ever dollar just to pay the interest in the national debit and this will increase. The republicans do not understand the word no, to spending and than showing the leadership to carry through. I will bet everyone here, that the 39.5 billion in cuts will never happen. The shameful thing is the 39.5 billion in cuts represents two days of the interest we are paying on the national debit. What a disgrace.
Without the Presidency real change and a taking an ax to the Budget will not happen. If the Government would have shutdown the latest polls were showing that the Republicans would have been blamed more than the Democrats. Rule One. make no move that will benefit Obama at all. Rather draw or slightly win a battle now than lose the war of November 2012. We secured the troops pay and we did not act crazy like the Democrats did spewing that negative psycho talk (Republicans hate the poor and want to kill women, etc.) that the voters rejected in 2010. Ultra Liberal Ed Schultz has a segment on his show called Psycho Babble the only problem it is his Party that does 90 to 95 % of the Psycho Babble and Republicans need to have a countering Real Psycho Babble segment on some show. The Ryan Plan has now forced the Obama Plan. The Obama plan is simply 2 words Tax Wealth. That concepted bombed in 2010 and the Republicans did not fall into the trap by Shutting The Government. Think About it, Obama laid a trap and passed only half a year budget in Oct 2010 when he had the votes knowing he was losing the House and wanting a shutdown like in 1995 that got Clinton reelected. Sorry Barry. Republicans are not that stupid it is your voters that are.
The Rhinos are becoming less and less in the Republican Party. Every election the Primaries will flush them out more and more. Think positive. Change takes time. Need control of House, Senate, and Presidency to tell the liberals to stick it completely or only offer a mere crumb or 2 of compromise. Did you ever think a person like Chris Christie could get elected in New Jersey. Obama has been the biggest help for the Republican Party. Great things can happen in 2012 like 2010. When Conservative Republicans are the majority of the body the Rhinos will join us.
Believe me I do hear you and to borrow a phrase from the Big Liberal Slick Willie I feel your pain. But I beg of you, do NOT indirectly help Obama like Perot helped Clinton. Candidates that you will love and me for the most part will too will have to run in the Primaries. The sad fact but is a fact is, America is still a 2 Party System. Listen to Neal Boortz. He is Libertarian but will only vote Libertarian when it will NOT help the Democrat.