Don’t you worry, Steve Eichier. Astrology gives me Aquarius rising. Jeanne Avery, in The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising: “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”
In Cosmos and Psyche, distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas points out that the alignments of the outer planets are consistent with archetypal patterns in history and biology. He points out in the book, under the Saturn-Pluto cycle, that in November 2008, the month and year Obama was elected, Saturn was square Pluto, the worst of planetary alignments, and that it was the end of an era where we’ve seen widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial and inflation.
In my astrological chart, Saturn is trine Pluto. This is the very best of alignments. In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read: “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously. . . They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”
I visited the island South Caicos in the Caribbean. The economy was based on fishing and drug running. It was cash and carry—no credit at all. Homes were in various stages of construction. I was made aware of how important credit is to an economy. America’s economy was built on credit.
America’s robust economy has turned into a political shell game. Money goes where money flows. Enter class warfare, opportunistic politicians, and a divided America. We’re going to the gutter.
With a divided America, with spending greatly exceeding income, with no money to spend, no problem: just print money. We made a mistake and tightened money after the stock market crash in 1929. We are not going to make that mistake again. It brought on the Great Depression.
And besides, we’ve big labor and the government entitled to pay. Together, they make the majority vote. It’s for the good of all that we are spending our way out of recession. Sure! We believe you. Big labor and the government entitled, America’s weak sisters put Obama in office. We are watching a process at the present. Congress dares not control spending. It’s members know full well what that would mean. Just look what Governor Scott Walker caused. The anger he caused is overwhelming. He and his colleagues are likely to be driven out of office.
The drive is on to pay the government favored; to hell with taxpayers. No question about it, the taxpayers are losing. Before our very eyes, America is going bankrupt. No problem. When people are hungry, they will accept anything, exactly what America’s revolutionaries are after. We’ve seen this process in play before. Never let a crisis go to waste. There is nothing in sight to stop billionaire George Soros and the revolutionaries from taking over America and doing away with every liberty we now enjoy—replacing our liberties with something on the order of Sharia law.
If you had known me in 1975, you would have advised me to be counseled. You would have thought I was sick in the head. You may still think that. Ah! But there is something out of sight, out of mind, to stop Soros and the revolutionaries, I can tell you, something bigger than all the might the corrupt powers that be can muster.
In 1975, I was being divorced and my business enterprise was on the rocks. Never let a crises go to waste. I singlehandedly took on the IRS. Everyone I knew thought I had flipped. I went to the country law library and studied how I could use my Constitution to beat Uncle Sam. I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I was in Tax Court, two U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U. S. Supreme Court, all to no avail. I filed in a third U.S. District Court. The Court decided to hear me. The IRS readily admitted that it had wrongfully taxed me. That’s not all. The IRS had thumbed its nose to the Tax Court order. The courts looked the other way, but God didn’t. God was with me the whole time. I didn’t need money and power.
My property was refunded with interest. Then the IRS made a fatal mistake. It went to my bank and claimed every cent in my checking account. I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. The Post looked at the record and investigated. It found that for 11 years the IRS had been lawlessly taxing me and the courts stood behind the IRS. A front page story was printed. The IRS ate crow. But that’s not all. I've experienced miracles. I've saved lives seven lives, including my own from a watery grave. I've been picked.
When everything should have gone wrong for me—everyone thinking I was a nut case—everything started going right. All of my dreams have come true. George Soros thinks he is some kind of a god. What a laugh! Keep the faith. God never let me down.
There have been too many coincidences in my life to call them coincidence. We are more than matter. “In earth as it is in heaven,” Jesus said, “but first seek ye the kingdom of God.” I don’t need money and power. I don’t need government. I’m self-governed. I don’t need a religion. We are not animals, not here to jump through authority’s hoops. God loves and protects those who love the sacred self they came with.
The tsunami in Japan is a sample of what you are about to see. You may not be fully aware, but the Tea Party represents a worldwide groundswell on the rise. The corrupt may have a foothold, but like in a tsunami, they are tissue heading for oblivion. You can’t change heaven or earth. Only the ignorant and raving wolves think they can. Our world is about to experience a quantum leap forward. Have faith in the God that created you. As God is my witness, I promise that you will survive and prosper as never before.