Thought I would add the e-mail from Jedi Pauly that I got today (I wasn't around a computer until this evening)
Dear Friends and Fellow Patriots:
Greetings. I hope you are all doing well. I am writing you to inform you that I have made a breakthrough in my understanding regarding how to gain standing in a court of law with the correct claim of injury that only affects a minority of the citizens at large, regarding the illegitimate not natural born Citizen President, Mr. Obama.
The injury is Taxation without Representation. Until now, every court case against the usurper President has been dismissed from the courts for lack of jurisdiction or "standing". The reason this is so, in my estimation, is because all of the cases have failed to properly inform the court in these areas:
1) The political class status of the petitioners before the court has not been properly claimed.
2) The proper claim of direct tangible specific injury to a minority of the citizens that is not a general grievance against government that affects everyone equally.
3) Failing to sue the correct defendants who are the ones actually causing an injury.
This is what the courts have said or implied in numerous instances. I have solved these issues.
By claiming your status to be an Article II natural born Citizen, which amazingly, no case in over two years and 70+ cases have claimed, you overcome Point 1.
By claiming your injury to be taxation without representation, which no case has yet claimed, you overcome Point 2.
By suing the IRS, which no suit has yet done, you overcome Point 3.
I have launched a campaign to gather citizens together to join in a Class Action lawsuit to pursue this avenue of legal remedy to remove Mr. Obama from Office, prevent his re-election, and nullify everything signed and all appointments made. It is my belief that this strategy will force Congress to take note that their ability to collect taxes from millions of natural born citizen taxpayers is in serious jeopardy. It is my belief that, faced with the prospect of not being able to collect taxes without violating the political rights of the citizens or remove Obama, the Congress will be forced to remove Obama. If they don't, then I think a court would be forced to appoint a special prosecutor to level criminal indictments against the usurper and others. It is my belief that I have identified the correct strategy and way forward, that will put real teeth into the efforts of those who want to take back our country from a criminal communist dictatorship and reestablish Justice, Freedom, and the Rule of Law.
I would encourage you to please visit my new website , and check it out for more information. Please proofread it, to see if I missed anything. Also, I would encourage you to sign on.
You can help me by forwarding this email to everyone on your contact list that you think would like to know about this. You can also help me find an attorney who would be interested in representing this Class Action lawsuit brainchild. I have my work cut out for me. I have to advertise this message and collect at least 5000 people to sign on, and I have to find a sympathetic attorney, which are no easy tasks. Any help you can give in this regard would be greatly appreciated, and your fellow citizens and future generations will thank you.
Your Servant,
Jedi Pauly
Let's pay close attention, and give this effort some support if, after reviewing it, you believe he is right. If not, I'm sure your input will be MORE than welcome. We're all fighting the same fight here!