The Self-Evident

As Bill Clinton put it, is is.  Going further, however, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote it is self-evident that all men are created equal. Socialists claim that means , individually, we have zero rights; the collective will of society makes rights. Jefferson claimed that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. 

On the other hand, God’s vicars claim we can’t know why God does what he does.  In any event, we are left with the impression that might makes right.  Basically, this is the issue that divides us.  Half of we Americans, like Bill Clinton, say is is; half of us, like Jefferson, say our Creator endowed us with unalienable rights.

As for God’s vicars, the above was obviously the issue in the Bible’s first book, Genesis.  Genesis was obviously written by someone with the idea that man was created in our image, whoever that might be.  Islam’s prophet Mohammad had the idea that might makes right.  Socialists share that idea.  This is what divides us.

Science employs mathematics to establish the truth of the matter. Music reduces to mathematics. It also establishes nature’s doubling process.  Middle “C” on the keyboard vibrates at 512 times per second, the next “C” up vibrates at 1024 times per second.  

4063486058?profile=originalAmong the talents nature gave me, music was one of them. I never studied music.  From Wikipedia, under music and mathematics, we read that the Greek, Pythagoras, who was an ordained Egyptian priest, and knew much about mathematics, as they applied to the heavens, found that “all of nature consists of harmony arising out of numbers.”  By the way, Pythagoras was also a musician.

In numerology, starting with the number 1, seeking to find one’s identity, we progress toward the number 9, which stands for selflessness.  It makes sense. We come into this life knowing nothing. We came from state of consciousness, which is selfless, and end selfless, if we follow the path of destiny.

For ten years, every morning first thing I wrote my thoughts on a yellow pad and later tried to put them in an order that made sense out of my life in my computer’s word processor. When I learned about numerology’s nine progressive cycles of development, I fit the events of my life as best I could into those cycles.  The events of my life made sense.  And now, here am I with all of my dreams come true. It’s all in a book I’ve entitled In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.

If each of us were free to do our own thing, logic tells me, we would not struggle to make our group’s rights greater than another group’s rights, the might makes right theory.  We would know that by cooperating with others we all benefit—socialism in a voluntary form instead of by law, you might call it.  The control freaks in charge now don’t know this about human nature.  

Not long ago, another in a series of very strange things in my life happened to make my point.

Recently, I purchased an Apple computer. We know that Apple is one of the most prosperous companies in the world.  And why? They create things people want.  That’s part of the benefit we receive from the voluntary cooperation I above mentioned.  It’s what made America prosperous.  It is also what divides America.  It’s what we call class warfare, or Marxism opposing capitalism.   It’s a play on words—knee-jerk reaction.  What could be wrong about Apple making things people want—or capitalism?

My Apple computer includes a feature, called “Garageband,” which allows me to record in my Apple up to eight tracks of music.  As I’ve mentioned, music  comes to me naturally.  I play by ear; can’t read a note of music.  With my Apple, I’m a one-man band.  I play the guitar, the banjo, the keyboard, and I sing.

Karen, my wife, purchased a CD of the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou music.  I decided to record some of it in Garageband and play my instruments and sing along with it. I was astounded.  I had never played nor sung this well.  I sounded like part of the bands. There is something mysterious about music, something basic to our lives, something, I think, I’m here to advance.  I invite you to Joe’s Garageband on the Internet. .

At the same time I prove that music is basic in our lives, I prove that so is free enterprise.

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