The Sinking of the Titanic

The iceberg that sank the Titanic on April 14, 1912 could have been there because of a celestial event.  When the moon is closest to Earth the tides are the highest. The moon had been closest to Earth on January 4, 1912 since the year 796, surely releasing many of Greenland’s icebergs to head southward.

This finest of ships the world had ever seen was made economically feasible by the large number of Europeans immigrating to the United States. She was heading full speed for New York, for the grandest celebration ever of man’s accomplishment. There were only enough lifeboats for the wealthy on board, we learned after the tragic loss of lives.  The small number of lifeboats, we were told, was because the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable.  Why any lifeboats?  Are privileged lives the only lives worth saving?  Not in my estimation.   

World War II picture. 4063485759?profile=originalI'm left in the front row. I'm nineteen years-old.

I’ve  just learned that only eight percent of the German people voted Hitler into office.  Many Americans don’t vote. They either trust in God keeping them safe from harm, or don’t think it matters whether they vote or not.

Germany’s Jews had that view. Six million of them  died for thinking that.  I’m a World War II combat veteran, an eye-witness of Germany being flat on the ground, many millions of Germans dead, a great many live Germans homeless and desperate.  I saw with my own eyes what Hitler did to Germany’s Jews.  Because the German people allowed eight percent of the population to vote Hitler into power, the world suffered the worst disaster of all times.  

I read that a Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be President. What were the American people thinking when Obama was elected President? The evidence was all there. I knew Obama was not fit to be our President.  What are they thinking now?  They are not thinking, period! They still don’t know that wolves in sheep’s clothing are always looking for an opportunity to devour us.  Jesus told us that.

There is a lot we don’t know and refuse to learn.  On Cosmos and Psyche’s back cover, we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.  Based on thirty years of meticulous research, this brilliant book points to a radical change in our understanding of the cosmos, shining new light on the drama of history and on our own critical age.  It opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom.”

My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, links with the fate of the Titanic and Cosmos and Psyche. I tell of the United States exploiting the meek and defenseless, and how I took on their cause.  I’m the diametric opposite of Obama.  I’m out to give the defenseless the personal power back that Obama has taken from them.  

Wouldst thou know the secret of the sea?

Only those who brave its dangers,

Comprehend its mystery.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I was sailing from Nassau to Palm Beach, Florida with three friends on my thirty-seven foot sloop Bold Venture when we ran into a tropical storm.  We were in the Bermuda Triangle, where ships have been disappearing without a trace.  It is thought that time warps exist, that this could be the cause of some of the disappearances.

Due to the storm, we should have been far out to sea and far to the north of our course, but we were not. We arrived at our destination at my estimated time of arrival.  We were in a time warp that put us where we wanted to be.  Seas were breaking completely across our inlet.  I sailed straight into the breakers. We slid down a wave into the inlet that never broke.  When one experiences what I’ve experienced, one takes a wholly different view on life.

Ever since I legally challenged the United States for not adhering to my Constitution, I’ve been living a charmed life. How many of us can say their dreams have come true?  After the fact, I discovered that the stars predicted everything that I am and everything that I’m doing.  I spell it all out in great detail in my book.

The sinking of the Titanic is an amazing story, but not nearly as amazing as my story. The Titanic drama is one that is being continuously reenacted on various scales, but all for the same reason: lack of foresight.  The United States, heading for an iceberg at full speed, was unable to turn the ship of state in time.  The ship’s crew has tried desperately to save the ship.  Most Americans don’t know they are on a sinking ship. Once it is known by the ship’s crew that saving the ship of state is hopeless, they will lock the gates and let the masses go down with the ship. The crew and the privileged will occupy the lifeboats.

My personal ship went down with me on it.  I was reborn to tell the old story told in the Bible’s four gospels, with today’s spin.

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